


Ciao ragazzi e genitori,

It was Carnevale, this week in Italian!


Students from all year levels were very excited to finally finish their Carnevale mask. They designed and decorated their own ‘maschera’. As part of their portfolio task, Year 3 – 6 students wrote in Italian about their mask, described the costume, character traits and profession of their Carnevale character.  Foundation to Year 2 described their ‘maschera’ using the colours in Italian. 


Students enjoyed learning about the different characters of the ‘Commedia del’Arte’ and their costumes. Commedia del’Arte or Commedia alle maschere is a theatre performance that was popular between the 16th and 18th century in Europe, and is still performed today. It is theatre that is usually improvised, like a pantomime. 


The students’ masks look fantastico! 


Year 5 and 6 masks are displayed in the Italian Room, for grades visiting to have a look. They will be proudly displayed for Term 3.

Take a look at their beautiful and artistic ‘maschere’.



Saluti and enjoy the term holidays.


Signora Harrington and Signor McKay