Blue Edge Program

Over Term 3, the following students have been a part of the Blue EDGE program: Nyalew Biel, Charlotte Biggin, Mason Bytheway, Millie Czyzewski, Bryce Goldsmith, Khobi Haligowski, Joshua Lancashire, Stella Manea, Ryder Mason, Amelia and Max Middleton, Charlie Murphy, Chloe Siemensma, Angus Stoll, Kael Stone and Izac Taylor. 

These students ought to be commended on their application and effort within this program and it has been great to see them all thrive in their individual ways as a part of Blue EDGE. 

We have had fitness sessions and lessons each week, which all students have participated in with determination and a smile on their faces which has been a credit to all involved. 

We got to see what it is like inside a police car and learn about some of the cool things that Police Members in Ballarat do to keep us safe. We look forward to seeing what else we can achieve as a group in Term 4!”




Claire Blower