Principal Report 

Stephan Fields 

I know that I am completely biased, but I reckon that Woodmans Hill has the best students in Ballarat if not the world! 

Whilst this does (on first reading) seem like a massive over-exaggeration, I reckon I have enough evidence to back up my claim. The contents of this newsletter are littered with stories of big and small achievements and it reflects the enormous pride that we have for our students. What we see on a day-to-day basis is the vast majority of our students being the best that they can be. When I walk around classrooms, I see students and teachers hard at work pushing themselves to learn and grow. And when I speak to our students on a daily basis, they are polite, respectful and genuinely interested in sharing their lives and learning about yours. 

The hardworking students at Woodmans Hill make this school what it is!

Of course, I’m not laying claim that all of our students are a choir of angels. I am acutely aware of the challenges that some face when living up to our high expectations around respect, determination and excellence. However, I know that the small minority of students who engage in poor behavior are not representative of all that is good in our school. As a school, we will always stand for and beside those students who want to make a positive difference in this world. We are an inclusive community who believe and insist upon acceptance and tolerance in order to create a culture that has, at its heart, connection and belonging. 

Because when you create the right context for growth and learning, you create young adults who can achieve anything. Our VCAL students continue to impress and inspire me with the size of their hearts. They tirelessly work towards creating better conditions for all aspects of our community. They collect food for community groups, raise awareness and money for causes close to their hearts and even develop resources for health organisations that will be rolled out across all of Ballarat schools. Applied Learning at Woodmans Hill goes from strength to strength and it is testimony to Jess Hollands and the team that they see the undoubted potential in our students and work hard to encourage them in every step they take. On a daily basis, I sign forms for students to go out on either work experience or for them to start a School Based Apprenticeship and I am amazed at some of the professions our students are prepared to enter into. As a school, we are lucky to see the obstacles our students overcome to achieve their dreams and we are thankful for the spirit and belief that they show. Success is not measured by the highest test score; at Woodmans Hill, success is measured by how far you’ve come and how far you are prepared to go. We take pride in our VCE students who are currently doing the hardest yards of their school lives so far. Having gone through this process last year with my eldest, I can honestly say that pushing yourself across that line is worth it. Even if you don’t get the mark you thought you wanted, the extra effort and determination might get you what you need to take the next big step. If you don’t try, you will never know and there will always be further opportunities for you as long as you are prepared to fight for what matters to you. 

When I reflect back on Term 3, what sticks out is so many positives and so many events in which our students got to act their age and have some fun. The Senior Social was a particular highlight as every one of the 100 students were prepared to be their best selves. The cheering (equally) for every student who won a prize epitomized what we stand for in such a simple way. No one student was left out and everyone took the opportunity to make up for all the missed opportunities for fun that were missed over the last two years.   This level of connection- after two terms of everyone trying to work things out again- is what I see on a daily basis. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I am equally fortunate and proud to be the principal of Woodmans Hill Secondary College because I know how great our students are and how amazing they’re going to be!