Bernadetta Martella

Wominjeka Everyone, 




OSHC will provide All Day OSHC on Thursday 9/6 and Friday 10/6  from 7:30am -6pm

Costs: $85 before Child Care Subsidy


Limited spaces are kept at 30 students for both days. Thursday is full booked but there are still  few spaces for Friday the 10/6

To make a booking please use Xplor Home app.


ALL Day OSHC will provide breakfast and afternoon tea on both days – due to staff shortage. Therefore, students are required to bring their lunch boxes as per usual school days.


If you have any issues please email Bernadetta at bernadetta.martella@education.vic.gov.au


PROGRAM For week 1 of Term 7


(*) a variety of cereals is offered (porridge, corn flakes, weet-bix, rice balls) and a selection of toast (wholemeal bread or fruit toast) with spreads (jam, butter, nuttlex or vegemite) is available every morning

(**) fruit and vegetable platters are offered every afternoon 

Please Note: Focus activity and menu are subjected to any changes


Pictures from last week’s program:




Cooking Club       




Wooden Planks


Fimo Creations

Making Ochre



Be Safe