FMHarrison S

Thank you for always offering to help. Your organisational skills help keep the classroom running smoothly. You are a wonderful friend, noticing when someone needs a helping hand without being asked. You are an absolute superstar!


12CAJasmine E

For the wonderful progress that you have made with reading and writing. It has been so lovely watching your confidence develop. Fabulous effort!


12DAurora F

For your amazing narrative. I really enjoyed reading your story and seeing how much your writing has improved. Keep it up!


34SMirabel C

For sharing about our excursion to the whole school at assembly- I loved seeing your confident public speaking Mirabel!


34KSue, Nicole and Liza Jane

Thank you for being the most amazing support for our whole class! There is just no way 3/4K could function without you and we all really appreciate your efforts every day!


34LCoen P

For your very well written persuasive piece about stopping climate change. It was brilliant! I loved the way you researched it thoroughly.  Well done on such a tremendous piece of writing. 


5KMWhole class

Thank you for being the most wonderful class. I have enjoyed getting to know every single one of you this year. You are all unique, clever, funny and growing up to be the most amazing young people. Keep growing and learning. I will miss you in the classroom, but look forward to fun times in Art and PE. 


6RJGabriel M

For your enthusiasm with our maths challenge this week. I loved watching you go back to keep trying to find more solutions. Well done!


Performing Arts

Dylan T


For your focus and drive in organising what props that we need for next term’s production. I am looking forward to having you as my number one stagehand!



(Mr Mc)

All students in Year 3 - 6

For their wonderful attitude and efforts participating in some fitness (beep) testing this week.  Everyone did the best they could and should be proud of themselves for what they achieved.  


PELulu DacostaFor having a can do attitude! We were so proud of your willingness to give soccer a go and loved your positivity and sense of fun on the day!