Principal Update

Thursday 23rd June



Dear families


We are at the end of term 2 and I hope our school community enjoys a well-deserved break over the school holidays.  School finishes tomorrow at 2:30pm. Students can also come in free dress tomorrow.  


** No need for a gold coin donation as we raised money a few weeks ago on pyjama day for brain cancer research. 


We return for the start of term 3 on Monday, July 11.


This term has been challenging as we have been impacted heavily by illness and absence - staff and students. We have tried our best to ensure that student learning and achievement continued throughout the term, however some of our programs were compromised as we were not always able to source replacement teachers.  I’d like to acknowledge the understanding, patience and support we have felt and received.


Student reports will be available tomorrow afternoon from 2pm via Compass.  Thank you to our teaching staff for their efforts compiling reports and conducting the relevant assessments to make judgements.  It hasn’t been easy with so much illness and absence.  


We will be having parent/teacher/student interviews on Tuesday, July 19 and Wednesday, July 20 and will communicate when bookings are available to be made.


Staffing update

Last week Justin Benne, Mandy Rudeforth and I completed the recruiting process to appoint a teacher for the Year 5 classroom from the beginning of next term. The successful applicant was Erin Carter and she is very excited to accept the position.  Erin has met the students and had a day to work with Kate in planning and preparation for next term.  Erin has a range of educational experiences including previous classroom teaching roles.  We look forward to welcoming her to our Menzies Creek PS community.


This will mean that Kate will be taking over the PE and Visual Art roles next term.  She will continue to support both Erin and the students of 5KM. Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout this process as it has taken longer than we anticipated.  We are confident that the students will flourish with some continuity next semester as we welcome Erin to our school.


Whole School Excursion

On Thursday, 21 July our school has been invited to go on Puffing Billy.  This will see us walk to Menzies Creek station, then go to Lakeside and return to Menzies Creek - very exciting!


We will have the opportunity to experience part of their “Endless Discovery” Education programs; All Aboard, Steaming STEM and Steam Machines. Throughout the train journey, the visit to the brand-new Lakeside Visitors Centre and guided Education workshop, photos and film will be taken of students to be used in our future Education marketing campaigns.


Please see compass for consent and a google form to complete for allowing permission for photos to be taken.


Thank you

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning before school, our breakfast club is in full swing.  This is made possible by some of our parents who volunteer their time to assist our students.  This program is coordinated by our school’s chaplain, Hollie Boniface.  


I would like to thank Hollie for her organisation as well as thanking Annika Miles, Laura Lane and Jessie Evans who support this program. Thanks also to Katrina Shannon for donating a large quantity of cups that the children are using on these days.


This is a great initiative and one that is vitally important and greatly appreciated.


On Saturday the Belgrave Lantern Parade is happening.  This week our students have had the chance to create their own lantern.  This has happened through the generous offer from Meg and Damon Seddon-MacDonald to run this art and craft activity. It has been wonderful seeing the designs our students have created. 


I would like to acknowledge Meg, Damon (and Alice) who have made this opportunity happen for our students….Thank you.


School Photos

Student packs have been sent home today.  If your child is absent then they can be collected from the office.


Child safety and wellbeing: Information for Families 

The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing. 


Our school is in the process of reviewing and updating our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards.


We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing. We welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices.



Enrolments for Foundation 2023 are now open. Families are asked to complete an enrolment form and return it to the school office as soon as possible to assist with planning for 2023.   If you know of family or friends who may be interested in hearing more about Menzies Creek education for their children, please ask them to contact the school office to arrange a tour. We are available for prospective and existing families to see the school in action.  Thank you for your assistance with this.


Enjoy the school holidays.


Take care,

Dale McInerney