Student Learning

100 days of school: The Foundation students loved celebrating their 100th day of school. They started the day with some fun learning activities at school and then walked to Federation Park for a play and some hot chips. They finished the day with some games and a disco party. I'm sure they all slept well Friday night.
Maths: The children have enjoyed learning about the value of money. They have been busy ordering coins and notes based on their value.
Reading: The students have been focusing on finding their M100 words in their readers.
Writing: The children have worked hard on publishing their acrostic and repeat poems in writing. They have produced some wonderful pieces.
Grade 5/6
Students in Grade 5/6 have been applying their decimal knowledge to open-ended tasks. Top effort!
Students have been practising mindfulness whilst in the Art Room! With mindfulness music playing in background students have been concentrating very hard on their art work! It has been wonderful to see their beautiful work.
Lightning Premiership
On Friday 29th July our 5/6 students travelled to Yarrawonga to compete in the Lightning Premiership. Students competed in Football, Netball and Softball against other local schools in a round robin style competition.
Congratulations to all students who competed in their chosen sport! They should be very proud of their efforts throughout the day! We were very pleased to see some fantastic skills displayed, excellent sportsmanship and amazing teamwork!
We would also like to extend our congratulations to the SOFTBALL CHAMPIONS!
Softball Team A made it through to the finals, and after a very exciting and close game they were declared the champions! They were awarded the Softball Shield which will be proudly displayed in our office until next years lightning premiership.