What's Happening

Term 3, 2022
Friday 5th August - NED Show
Monday 22nd to Friday 26th August - Book Week
Friday 26th August - Book Week Dress- Up Day and Parade - See Library page for details
Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th August - Glasses for Kids Program
Friday 2nd September - Father's Day Breakfast
Friday 9th September - CPS Athletics Day
Friday 16th September - Footy Colours Day
Friday 16th September - Last day of Term 3
2023 Enrolments
We are now accepting enrolments for 2023. If you have a child due to start Foundation in 2023, or you know another family who does, please collect an enrolment form from the office. School tours are available and encouraged. Please contact the office on 58721374 to book a time.
NED Show
We have an exciting upcoming live stream event! On Friday 5th August, from 12:40pm - 1:25pm, our school is hosting NED’s Mindset Mission. If your child is learning from home at that time, please use the link and password below to join. You are welcome to join, too! Make sure to log in 5 minutes early so we can get started on time.
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88963032297?pwd=Z01JZDNQbHdObGdFL1p0YVNBait3dz09
Password: NED123
We look forward to seeing everyone there!
An engaging performer will take our students on an interactive educational journey filled with storytelling, illusions, yo-yo tricks and humour. NED’s message and memorable friends inspire students, promote academic achievement, and support our school goals.
Never give up Encourage others Do your best®
Our school received this program at no-cost because another school community has paid-it-forward to us. Now it’s our turn — you can help by purchasing a NED-messaged yo-yo and accessories. A yo-yo is both a mindset tool and tangible reminder of NED’s message. While learning to yo, children will make mistakes, try again, and improve. Read more at www.MindsetMission.com/yoyos.
Yo-Yos, from $14 to $22, and accessories, such as replacement strings $5 and Yo-Yo Holster $11, will be available to purchase from Wednesday 3rd August to Friday 12th August, from the office. All students have been sent home with a note / order form. Please use the link http://www.thenedshow.com/yoyos.html for further information about the different yo-yo's available.