It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary: writing in June (edited).

This week my family celebrated my mum’s 84th birthday. Mum herself is pretty proud of that achievement, and we are so grateful to God for the blessing that she has been and continues to be to our family. These days, my own children are young adults, navigating their own pathways and life choices.


However, it only seems like yesterday when the three of them were little, attending a Christian primary school with busy after school schedules that involved dance classes, soccer, rugby or swimming lessons. As working parents, my mum was instrumental in helping our family with our weekly schedule; collecting the children from school, food in hand and ready to take them to their various activities. I literally couldn’t have navigated those years without her help, and the meals she would prepare in advance for us to enjoy. 


As parents, we all need the help, encouragement and support of wonderful people like my mum. 1 Thessalonians 5: 11 says, "So comfort each other and make each other strong as you are already doing."


I applaud both the seen and unseen support which is frequently extended amongst our parent body. Friends of Donvale finding ways to connect and bring community together, friends assisting with the after school pick ups, uniforms being exchanged from one family to the next or little chats that happen as parents wait for children after school each day. It's such a blessing to be part of the Donvale village…a busy and dynamic place that sometimes needs the input, wisdom and practical support that others can provide.  

After the restrictions of the last two years it has been wonderful to see the gates of our 'village' open again this year, welcoming back parent volunteers into the classrooms:   reading with students, assisting teachers, providing administrative support, attending excursions, shelving in the library, helping with group learning…every contribution makes a difference, and every moment of time deeply appreciated, as together we make a difference in the life of our students.


How thankful am I for the village which God has give us in which to raise these precious young people.