Fabulous Foundation
Fabulous Foundation
Term 3 Week 4 – Friday 5th of August
Dates to Remember:
Every Thursday - Footsteps Dance Program (Please be sure to finalise payment so your child can participate.)
Monday 8th of August– Prep P Movie Filming (Weather dependant.)
What we are learning in weeks 5 & 6 :
In reading we are looking at decoding and comprehension strategies. We are also continuing to look at long and short vowel sounds.
In writing we will continue with our weekend recount writing as well as beginning to look at procedural writing.
This term we will continue to introduce new words each week as part of our SMART smelling program. As always, we focus on the sounds of each letter in the word of the week and explore other words with the same sounds. By asking your child what the word of the week is and the sounds of the letters, it will provide a great opportunity for conversation about their learning at school.
In Maths we are focusing on length and the different ways we can measure objects. The preps have had fun using their hands and unifix blocks to measure objects in their classrooms. The Preps will also be working on ‘counting on’ (an addition strategy).
Our Inquiry/Science unit this term is Life Cycles and Habitats. We will look into the different life cycles of minibeasts, frogs and plants and explore their habitats. We have made chia seed people (using chia seeds), and will watch them grow.
Leader in Me:
During Leader In Me the preps have been discussing initiative. We have been talking about what using your initiative means and how we can use it to make good choices.
Take home readers and blue pouches
Please continue to check blue pouches nights for notices sent home. We encourage nightly reading of student readers.
Friendly Reminders
* Please continue to pack a fruit snack and a recess snack even if your child has a lunch order as these aren’t delivered to the school until 1pm
* Please endeavour to test sight words nightly and return them to school weekly on FRIDAYS.
Foundation Photos