Fantastic 3/4
Year 3-4
Term 3, Week 4
What have we been up to?
In reading and writing we have continued looking at a variety of different procedural texts, these texts have involved documentaries, recipes, instructional texts, and directions. Students read through different recipes and discussed different parts of the text. We continued to look at different adverbs and adverbial phrases. In class we looked at the recipe ‘ Lemon & Coconut Slice’ and followed the steps to make a delicious snack as a class. Students were then responsible to write out the steps they did during our cooking day!
In Maths, we continued learning about short division by two and three-digit numbers. Students were also introduced to fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/8, 1/10). We started this unit with an Inquiry Question: What fraction of a bottle needs to be filled with water to be the best for bottle flipping? Students had to use their understanding and confidence working with ways to collect and organise data as they determine the best water level to fill bottles so they will flip upright. The lessons provided opportunities for students to apply their understanding of fractions as they mark them on a bottle. We also used our playdough we made in Science to help model and represent different fractions.
In Science, our focus for Term 3 is matter (solids, liquids and gases) and how these are made up of tiny particles called atoms and molecules. Students did an experiment which focused on observing how a change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat.
In Inquiry, students will be learning about a range of concepts relating to the diversity of Australia's first people and the long and continuous connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Country. As a class we looked at the understanding of the meaning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander names for places and features including those in the local area.
Just a few reminders for our students and families:
- Homework for Term 3: You would have noticed that homework for Term 3 has changed. We ask that each night students complete a look, say, cover, write, check for their chosen spelling words, read for 20 minutes a night (this needs to be signed off by a parent/guardian), complete the maths task sheet and complete the general knowledge questions for a challenge if they would like.
- 3/4C will be filming Wednesday the 10th of August.
- Students were given a Twisted Science Excursion form. Please return form and money by Friday the 12th of August.
- 3/4B will be filming Thursday the 18th of August.
- Footsteps has commenced, and the students are enjoying it immensely.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.
What is coming up?
In reading and writing, students will begin to look at different types of poetry. We will continue learning about fractions in Maths. The tasks that students will be learning about will be simple fractions, mixed numbers, equivalent fractions and how to apply these fractions to the real world. In Science, the students will continue to explore solids, liquids and gases and in Inquiry the students will discover what a Dreamtime story is and how these stories are a big part of their life.
Here are some photos of what we have been up to over the last two weeks: