Celebration of 




Our foundation students ended last term and started this one with a writing bang! Our Little Learners Love Literacy program has enabled the students to be able to spell a plethora of three and four letter words after only 6 months of schooling! Step aside JK Rawlings…. we will be the talented writers of the future! 


Foundation students are learning about patterns. Here they are creating their own with unifix blocks. Too clever! Look carefully at the sophistication of some of them!!!


The Foundation students are very excited to announce that they just became parents to their very own baby chicks and eggs! As part of our science unit this term students are going to hatch the eggs and care for chicks. They will learn about the needs of living things and life cycles. 


Creative Play Lunchtime Club drew many older students who seized the chance to be little kids again! Much fun was had by all! 


Our Foundation students jumped straight back into their learning this term and have shown they haven’t forgotten anything! Still clever writers, spellers and readers! 


Wakakirri Snake

Look how the snake for Wakakirri was made