
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge 2022

With only 5 weeks to go for the Reading Challenge we hope you have been enjoying all your reading.

Make sure you log your completed books in so they count towards your goal!


This year's theme is 'Discover a new chapter'. This refers to the experience of going on an adventure with every turn of the page, as well as those milestone moments in life when a child starts a new chapter on their own journey.


Happy Reading!


Library - Help required!


During Term 3, we have dedicated every Thursday afternoon, in the library from 2pm - 3:30pm for processing and covering new readers and books,

 and are asking for volunteers to assist us in achieving this.


A big thank you to the volunteers that have been here so far to assist, it is very much appreciated. .


If you, grandma, grandpa, support person, etc., have any spare time on Thursday afternoons throughout the term, (yes, it is a lovely nice and dry and warm place to be), you will be eagerly welcomed! Come along for a cuppa, bikkie and a chat - toddlers are more than welcome to come along too!


There is no need to respond, I would just love to see you there. Please sign in at the office and then make your way down to the library.


Thanking you in anticipation,


Karin Sansom
