School News

Dear Parents/Guardians,


It is hard to believe that we are halfway through the term already. 

Thank you to all the parents who have completed the Parent Opinion Survey. I cannot tell you how useful this information is, and I encourage everyone to share their thoughts about the school. Your feedback will help us to keep doing what we are doing well and to make changes where there are gaps.


So far 13% of our parent population have completed the survey.  All families received an email earlier in the week with the log in code - please contact the office if you have not received this information.


Science Day

Today we had student scientists across the school engaging in a range of activities for science week. I would like to say a big thank you to the Grade 3 staff who organised the day and got the ball rolling. 



It was wonderful to be able to hold an athletics event after the past few years of COVID.  Students dressed in some impressive house colours and gave it their best on the day. The rain managed to hold off until the buses rolled out at 2:15 pm. A big thank you to the students from Catherine McAuley College who stepped in and were willing to help when other schools were unable to. 



We all know that it is currently extremely hectic at the front of the school. 

It is important that the express drive through remains clear. We have some students being dropped off at the front of the driveway which then causes other cars to bank up along the road. 


The disabled car space should be used for that purpose only and remain clear at all times.

We have asked the site supervisor at the bridge to ensure that all cars belonging to employees, park somewhere else. This will help to ensure there is space for our community during drop off and pick up times.


Head Lice

We currently have an outbreak of headlice. Head lice are not fussy and enjoy hair that is clean or dirty as well as anything in between. As per school policy, we are asking that all students who have hair below their shoulders in length be tied up to help to prevent the spread of this annoying insect. Long hair that is not tied back can also be a problem in Art, PE and other learning areas. Your support in this area will help us to maintain consistency across the school. 



It has certainly been a cold, wet winter. Some students who ride/walk/scooter to school are wet by the time they arrive. School Council have approved the introduction of a jacket to be added to the school uniform. Investigation as to what this will look like is currently underway – please watch this space…


Maintenance Position

I would like to formally congratulate Rob Ilott on his successful application of the Maintenance position. Rob has previously been a member of the Epsom Primary School Community for several years. Many students (and staff) were happy to see his face out and about the yard once again.


I hope you all enjoy what is left of the week and I thank you for your ongoing support.


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd


Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.  


Prep 2023 Enrollments are now due.  Having these in helps us begin our planning for staffing and classrooms for the 2023 school year.  Please hand them into the office as soon as possible.