Green Team – Plant A Tree Day
Last week on Friday, students were given the opportunity to contribute to Plant a Tree Day! The Whitehorse council gave us the steps to achieve a perfectly planted tree. I personally planted a banksia tree, we had to make sure the hole was wide and deep enough and the stem was clear of any debris. It was wonderful at the end of the day to see all sorts of wonderful plants found a home at our school. -Jack Stephenson
On Friday, the 29 of July the Green Team had over 30 students come and plant 153 plants around the school. We had a special guest and world-renowned tree scientist Tony Rinaudo come and talk about his success and hope from his FMNR (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration) tree project in Niger.
Then the team went and planted plants at two locations.
The first is a well-mulched plot at the back of old Dunlop.
The second is a steep slope that was deemed too unsafe to mow in between the COLA and the bottom soccer courts.
This was the more interesting of the two sites as it was where we planted the 3 established Banksia trees on the top of the hill. It was fun because of the mysteries that lay below. This is a mound in between the COLA and the bottom soccer courts with old construction rubble and we found loads of brick, concrete, asphalt, and at one point we found the remains of an old wire fence.
The whole week of pledge week and plant a tree day was a huge highlight for me and many of the Green Team members. I cannot wait to see what we can do next year.
Joey Armstrong
Environment Captain