Principal's Update

Welcome to Term 4! This time of the year is a significant one for our Year 12 students as they complete their final assessments, participate in their final classes and prepare for their VCAA examinations. Next week, we will acknowledge and celebrate their achievements and contribution to the Kilbreda College community over the last six years at various events. These include our formal College Assembly, Year 12 Breakfast and Final Assembly and, of course, our Graduation Evening at Caulfield Racecourse.   We recognise that this time may cause mixed emotions for our Year 12 students; the excitement of completing secondary school and the fear of the unknown that comes with this.  We are very proud of the Class of 2019 and are confident that they will conclude the year showing the respect they have for themselves, their families, their peers and the community that has supported and encouraged them over many years.  We wish them every blessing for the weeks and months ahead as they make their transition from secondary school.


Term 3 ended with what was a wonderful community celebration of Brigidine Day! The theme for our Mass was ‘All are Welcome’, in keeping with our College theme for the year. A large cross, composed of the images of every student and staff member at the College, reminded us that we are all part of this one, Catholic community and with that comes a shared responsibility to ensure that we make all welcome in our community.


We are thankful for the support and generosity of families who made donations to continue our support for the community of Remixio, East Timor, particularly in their provision of an education to the young people in the area. 


The annual Art and Design Exhibition commences this Thursday evening and continues until Saturday. Both students and staff have been very busy, over this last week in particular, to set up the exhibition, which showcases the many and diverse talents of our students across the year levels.  We hope that many families and community members will come along and enjoy the exhibition.


Please keep our Year 12 students in your thoughts and prayers as they prepare to complete their final VCE examinations and take their place in the wider community. May they grow to be to be women of strength;  inspired by the teachings of Christ and the works of the Brigidine Sisters with a passion for life, a love of learning and the courage to speak up for the most vulnerable in our world.


A Woman of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape.

A woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.


A strong woman isn’t afraid of anything.

A woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.


A strong woman won’t let anyone get the better of her.

A woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.


A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future.

A woman of strength realises life’s mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalises on them.


A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey.

A woman of strength has faith that it is through the journey that she will become strong!

(Source unknown)

We Pray For

We ask for your prayers for members of our community and their families who have recently lost loved ones:


John Fouet

Father of Victoria Landy (Music Tutor)


 Chin Chuchokchai

Father of Lyn Ockerby (staff) 


We pray that our loving God hold them gently in the palm of His hand.


Nicole Mangelsdorf
