Faith & Family

Family Educator News                

HeartFelt Grief Support Group

HeartFelt is a weekly online prayer gathering for families experiencing loss and trauma.  It was started by Bridget Sakr, whose 11-year-old daughter Veronique was killed by a drunk driver in 2020. Bridget herself leads time for meditation on a theme, discussion, and prayers where people can come together for support over different stages and types of grief, with support from the Grief Care team at Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria. Email for zoom details.

Invitation to Livestream Mass with Fr Robbie

Please join our Bondi community each Sunday at 10 am for mass at St Patrick's, live-streamed through the new Bondi Parish Facebook page. Remember to like and follow the page to stay updated with Parish news.

Parent SPaR Video

If you'd like to set aside a few minutes for a guided reflection, please click on the link below and reflect on the SPaR called 'What is Love?' 


Children's Meditation Video

Click the link for a short guided mindfullness meditation - a great one to use before bedtime


Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows, 15 September

Who is Our Lady of Sorrows?  The title refers to the Virgin Mary and is often seen alongside an image of the Virgin Mary with swords piercing her heart.  These swords represent each of the seven 'sorrows' that afflicted her during her life as the mother of Jesus. Pope John Paul II reflected on this beautifully when he said:


"Mary Most Holy goes on being the loving consoler of those touched by the many physical and moral sorrows which afflict and torment humanity. She knows our sorrows and our pains, because she too suffered, from Bethlehem to Calvary. 'And thy soul too a sword shall pierce.' Mary is our Spiritual Mother, and the mother always understands her children and consoles them in their troubles. Then, she has that specific mission to love us, received from Jesus on the Cross, to love us only and always, so as to save us! Mary consoles us above all by pointing out the Crucified One and Paradise to us!"


 Our Lady of Sorrows is a beautiful reminder that in our deepest grief, in our deepest sufferings, she is there to console us and bring us comfort.


Learn about the Seven Sorrows of Mary here:

Panel Discussion 'Reasons for Hope in a Disrupted Church' & Live Q&A 

Join Archbishop Comensoli of Melbourne, Fr Chris Ryan MGL and Daniel Ang, Director of Sydney Centre for Evangelisation as they discuss 'reasons for hope in a disrupted church'.  Register for Zoom link at