Environment Group News

Ms Kathryn Badini

Last Friday was the Environment Group’s Free Dress Day. Students were encouraged to wear green and pledge a way that they could help the environment. Below is a list of the most common pledges shared during Pastoral Group; many small actions, which together will help to reduce MCA’s impact on the environment –

  • “See rubbish, pick it up”
  • Ensure that rubbish makes it to the correct bin
  • Turn of lights during PG
  • Turn off lights and fans when leaving classrooms
  • Look after our pastoral plant
  • Stop littering
  • Plant a tree at home
  • Riding a bike to school/ walk instead of driving
  • Reduce rubbish
  • Ensure windows are closed when air conditions are on
  • Plastic-free lunches/ use biodegradable or reusable plastics
  • Use https://www.ecosia.org/, a search engine which plants trees
  • Have 3-minute showers
  • To be thoughtful consumers and shop second-hand
  • Bring own water bottles
  • Recycling bottles, cans etc. are home
  • Sit in the CLE during PG to be outside
  • Planting project in the school
  • Use the paper recycling bins

The highlight of the day was the distribution of a plant to every pastoral class. This program was organised by Year 10 students Archie Bathe, Archie Ryan and Eamonn Frawley as a part of the Lord Mayor’s Youth Environmental Leadership Network and mentored by Ms Elizabeth Kenny. The boys will give a complete wrap-up of their initiative next week.


We also had Year 11 and 12s organise and judge a No Plastics Lunchbox competition in the Primary school where they encouraged students to not have any soft plastics (like Ziploc bags, gladwrap), alfoil or excess packaging. Congratulations to 6 White for having no single-use plastics in their lunchboxes and to 5 Blue, 6 Blue and 6 Red, who each had one only piece in the entire class. 


To push the environmental message further, we also ran an eWaste drive in the morning and encouraged teachers to teach outside if they could. 


Overall, it was a very positive day and the students are again thanked for their support of the Environment Group.