Curriculum Matters 


Teddy Bear’s Picnic

On Friday 17 March, the very excited Foundation students boarded the bus and went to Bicentennial Park in Chelsea with our Teddy Bears for a picnic.

While there we challenged ourselves and went down the giant slide, played with new friends and ate lunch with our teddys. 

Thank you to the parents who gave up their time to come with us.

Level 2

The Level 2 students went on an excursion to the Police Academy. 

We played games, watched movies and did colouring. We also did an interview with one of the workers who are training for the police. 

We were telling them about our incursion with Charlie SillyPants. They served us lunch and we had a special treat of meeting 2 police horses. The brown one was called Lulu and the blonde one was called Clifford. 

We said bye and went back to school.

Written by Ashan M in 2H. 

Level 3

For the first time this year NAPLAN was held earlier in the year to give teachers and parents important information about student's skills and capability sooner, so that more targeted support can be delivered to improve literacy and numeracy skills throughout the year. 

The Level 3s completed their four NAPLAN test over the last 2 weeks. The first test was writing which was a Narrative piece about ‘The Key’, then we had Reading, Language conventions and finally Numeracy. The students’ hard work and determination were evident as they tackled the tests with confidence. 

Overall, they demonstrated a strong commitment to their education and should be commended for their efforts! 

To celebrate their achievements and completing their first year of NAPLAN the level 3s will be having a party on Friday 24 March. 


“All of the NAPLAN test were actually easier than I expected” – Griffen 3BK
“ I was worried before we did the tests, but they weren’t as bad as I imagined’ –Divam 3BK

Level 6

Over the past fortnight the grade 6 students have been working on biographies for their eggs. This is in the lead up to the egg drop day on the 4th of April. 

Some of the names for eggs include Peggton, Jackie Chegg and Tony Yolk.

The grade 6 students have been learning about biographies before this.


It’s Easter time! We have started selling Easter raffle tickets to win some chocolate prizes! All funds go to the Good Friday Appeal to help sick kids. One raffle ticket is 50 cents and 3 raffle tickets are $1. Best of luck to all the kids that bought tickets!

By Beckett D 6


Last Friday, Andrew Owen came to talk to the level sixes about what it is like to be an engineer and how to become one. 

He talked about bridges and the different types of them. He also talked about tunnels, which relates to our inquiry topic about design & technology. We learnt that there are three brothers who are living across the bay from each other in Dubai who all want to build ridiculous and expensive bridges to connect the bay! We also learnt that tunnels are built in sections and then placed into the water afterwards. 

Thank you to Andrew for coming in and speaking to us.

By Hamish S & Nathan H - 6P