Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart







Jells Park PS AGM

The 2023 AGM for Jells Park PS will be held next Wednesday 29 March from 6.30pm - 7.00pm in the Staff Room. All members of the school community are welcome to attend. We will also present the Annual Report for 2022.

Parent Reminders:

  • Photos while at school events (camps, excursions, sport events) - Parents are asked to only take photos of their own child at any school event and are  NOT PERMITTED to distribute or post any photos of other students on social media. This is a Child Safety & Protection requirement. Even if you are asked by another parent to take photos of their child we ask that you decline. All communications and photos MUST be co-ordinated through the Teacher-in-Charge.
  • Student Late Arrival at School - if your child is late for school parents MUST accompany their child into the office to sign in and then accompany them to class. This is a DET regulation and signifies that you, the parent, has approved the late arrival and ensures they reach the classroom. This is parent responsibility, not an office responsibility.

2023 Parent Contributions

Thank you to the families that have made payments to the Educational and Specialist contributions. It is much appreciated and allows us to continue to provide excellent education and opportunities for your children.


We are still quite a long way off budget forecast for these contributions, so any further contributions would be much appreciated.

School Tours

We have opened School Tours for prospective 2024 families, available to be booked on Try Booking, starting next week. A link is available on our website and below.


Please promote and advertise our school and let any prospective families that might be interested know that tours are now available.  


I will be taking some extended leave for the whole of Term 2. Mrs Kellie Stewart will be stepping in as Acting Principal and Mr Scott Zachariassen stepping up to Acting Assistant Principal. I am very confident that I am leaving the school in strong hands and I wish everyone a great term.




Kevin Oakey





This week several of our students welcomed the month of Ramadan and began 30 days of fasting. During this holy month Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, abstaining from food and drinks, including water. We have students as young as Level 3 who are attempting to fast, practicing patience and building their resilience. I wish them well during this time.


The Importance of Sleep

While we know sleep is essential for good health, research shows that many children and young people are not getting enough sleep on school nights. This can affect thinking, concentration, memory, reaction times and mood.

Research shows about 12% of primary school-aged children don’t get enough sleep on school nights. The recommended amount of time to sleep for primary school-aged children is 9 to 11 hours. For more information on sleep tips and advice please refer to the Community News page in this newsletter.


Easter Raffle - tickets on sale

Our Level 6 students will be selling raffle tickets for our annual Easter Egg raffle which is held on the last day of Term 1. All proceeds will support the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday appeal. There will be plenty of prizes up for grabs! Tickets are 50c each or 3 for $1. Please support this very worthy cause.



Have a lovely long weekend.


Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal