Hello, from PE

News from PE-  Ms. Laura Hicks.

Whole School Athletics Day

Wow! What a fantastic day we had on Friday at our Athletics Day. Students had a great time as well as our staff. A big thank you to all the teachers for running each activity, our CMC student helpers who did an amazing job and of course the students who competed in all the activities and events. Thank you also to those parents who were able to make the day and support their child/children. Our house points have been added up and will be announced at assembly.


District Athletics Day

On Monday March 27th, selected students will be competing in the District Athletics at the Bendigo Athletics Track. Students in the age groups of 10, 11 and 12, who have been selected for this event will be notified and a note will be sent home. 



National Ride 2 School Day

Friday March 24th is National Ride 2 School Day. We would love to see as many people as possible ride, scoot, walk or skate to school on this day



PE - Dates to remember


Friday March 24th - National Ride 2 School Day

Monday March 27th- Fortuna District Athletics (selected students only). 

Wednesday May 3rd - Division Cross Country (selected students only).