Hello, from Carolyn.

Hello everyone,


Parent meeting Thursday 23 March 9am.

Every four years, all state schools participate in a school review. The review panel consists of a reviewer, our Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), two challenge partners and some school staff. During the review, the panel visits classrooms, looks at school documentation and information, and meets with students, staff and parents to build an informed picture of areas where we are doing well, and areas we could improve.

Next Wednesday and Thursday, the panel will be meeting with different student groups, all our staff and, on Thursday morning, they would like to meet with some parents. Ideally there will be a mix of parents at the meeting so the panel hears from families who have been at the school for quite a few years and from families who are new to the school.


I strongly encourage you to come along to the staffroom Thursday morning to meet with our reviewer, our SEIL and challenge partners (school staff won't be at the meeting). There is no expectation that you will be able to answer particular questions, it is an opportunity for you to tell our panel about our school from your point of view. 


School Council elections.

Thank you and congratulations to the following parents/carers who nominated to be on school council- Robyn Matthews, Michelle Baker, Brooke Bennett, Vipul Patel and Jaclyn McEwan. They are joining Kim Kirkpatrick, Sara Hill, Greg Stehle and Jess White, and myself, who are continuing as school councillors.

A very BIG thank you to Di Kennedy, who has been a staff member on our school council for a number of years, thank you so much Di for your commitment to our school. And thank you to Kristian Van Maanen who is finishing his time as a school councillor and recently, has been our school council president, thank you for your support and passion for helping our school be the best.

You are always welcome to talk to our school councillors about items you would like brought to school council's attention- celebrations and concerns.


Moving feast multicultural celebration Monday for our year 5 and 6 students.

On Monday, our year 5 and 6 students will be cooking up a feast with some of the local Regional Victorians of Colour group as a celebration of Harmony Week. If you are a recent arrival to Australia and our community, you are very welcome to join us at 2:10pm for the feast. Here are the recipes they will be using-

Staffing update.

Laura T is recovering from surgery and looking forward to being back next term. Sonia Sokhal, Mrs D, and her husband are very excited about the arrival of their first child, which is getting closer and closer! Sonia will be on leave for Term 2. Amy Cecil, who is currently teaching F/1T will teach 2/3D. Amy will have time before the end of term to get to know the grade and to meet with Sonia.


Year 6 shirts have arrived!

Check out how fantastic our Year 6 shirts look! Great job year 6's and Jacinta in designing them!




Thank you Ms Hicks for organising such a well run athletics day. Thank you to the many parnets who came along to help and cheer their children on. We have 36 students going on to the district athletics competition on Monday 27th March. Good luck to all our competitors!


Lost necklace.

One of our students recently lost a very special necklace at school, see photo. If you have seen it, or know where it is, please let the office know. Thank you.

School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.