
Live in Harmony

Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s amazing cultural diversity. During this week, schools celebrate inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for all Australians, from the traditional custodians of the land to those who have come from many countries around the world. 


This week of inclusiveness is celebrated from Monday 20 – Sunday 26 March 2023, so there are plenty of opportunities to create and participate in activities all week long. 

Harmony Day itself falls on 21 March, which co-incides with the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. 


With its motto ‘Everyone belongs’, Harmony Day is a day we appreciate our differences and similarities, promote inclusiveness and show mutual respect for everyone, regardless of race, colour, religion, or background. 


Statistics show that diverse communities, companies and civilisations are happier, healthier and more prosperous. So, including everyone really does make the world a better place!


Peter wrote about harmony many years ago when he challenged people saying ‘Finally, everyone must live in harmony, be sympathetic, love each other, have compassion, and be humble’ (1 Peter 3:18).


Peter knew this was God’s design for humanity, to live in harmony with God and each other. He and his friends were in Jerusalem after Jesus had risen from the dead. There they experienced the power of God’s Holy Spirit on them. What happened next was a miracle. Peter and his friends stood and spoke to a huge crowd of people from many different nations who were gathered in Jerusalem for a festival. 


As the nations heard the men speak, they realised that every different nation heard their own language, even though Peter and the others didn’t know any other languages. God had given them a powerful gift to proclaim a powerful message. By speaking in many languages, the message was clear. “Everyone Belongs”. God sent a clear signal to all nations that God is a God who wants everyone to belong and he wants us to be people who help others belong too.


I pray that Harmony Week gives us the opportunity to reflect and act upon improving harmony in our relationships with each other and with God. 


Submitted by Nicole Tew