Principal's Update

Hi everyone,


I hope you are all well.  I can't believe we are already past the halfway mark for Term 1. 


Building Works


You will have noticed that our building works have commenced, but I am pleased to say that things will be getting busier over the next few months. Refurbishment of our Administration building is underway and work has now started on our Junior building in preparation for demolition. 


We would like to reassure families that we will be continuing to offer our specialist subjects of Art and Humanities. Unfortunately whilst the works to the Junior building are underway we will not have access to these classrooms. We would like to thank Mrs Kelly and Miss Felicity for their flexibility and fantastic programming though which will allow them to continue offering Art and Humanities in the general classrooms. 




Next week is NAPLAN week. Students will complete their NAPLAN over 3 days - Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th and Friday 18th March. I know that most parents are accustomed to the NAPLAN assessments these days.  However, I really want to be sure that all parents and families remember that this is just another assessment.  Your children complete assessment tasks for their teachers all the time.  This shouldn’t be made out to be any more important than those tasks.  We DO NOT want children to be stressing or worrying about the NAPLAN tests.  As long as they give the assessment tasks their best efforts, we are happy. That’s all we can ever ask. 


NAPLAN Breakfast


All students in Years 3 and 5 will be treated to a special NAPLAN breakfast next week. On Wednesday and Thursday toast and hot chocolate will be available at the Canteen. On Friday we will be serving pancakes and hot chocolate. This will be available for students in Year 3 and 5 only, students in other year levels will still be able to have toast at breakfast club.  


Have a great week!


Claye Runnalls
