From the Head of Campus' Desk

Dear Parents/Guardians
As we count down the days until Easter Sunday, we are counting down till the day of the empty tomb. I would encourage you to try to think about ways to celebrate and remember Easter in your family's rhythms, which can been tricky. Even though the death and resurrection of Jesus are the central events of our history, Easter is both joyous and heartbreaking. I have found that the duality, the sadness and the joy, of these events can make them hard to celebrate.
The celebration of Christmas is unreservedly joyous. Christ’s incarnation seems to be only good news, but Christ on the cross is called Good Friday. Good Friday is good news, the best news, but it is also the worst news. Easter is both the wonderous story of God saving us from death and the tragic story of humanity killing the God who created us. Remembering Easter is about celebrating the redemptive defeat of death and also grieving the horror of sin and death.
As we talk about the sadness of Christ's death and his body being found in the tomb, let us remember to hope and prepare our hearts and minds for the joy of the resurrection. At the heart of the Christian story is the truth about the life of Jesus. I have recently read an excellent book called ‘Christians: The Urgent Case for Jesus in our World’ by Greg Sheridan and it is an excellent book about the historicity of Jesus and how He transformed the world and how Christians are still transforming the world.
I pray that for each of our families you experience the rest, love and peace that only Jesus can bring over the Easter holiday.
God bless
Jason Burgess
Head of Campus