Wellbeing News
Miss Samantha Isaacson
Wellbeing News
Miss Samantha Isaacson
Our Expectations- SMASH
This term we are focusing on ‘Show Respect’. The settings in our school are Classroom Spaces, Transition Spaces, Outdoor Spaces, Community Spaces and Toilets.
So far our St Michaels community has focused on:
Over the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on:
Positive Acknowledgement
When a student displays these expectations anywhere in the school they are positively acknowledged. This can be in the form of a verbal acknowledgement or with a marble using the language of the Matrix of Expected Behaviour. Once the class fills the marble jar the whole class celebrates together. This celebration is determined by each individual class. Specialist classes will be using SMASH tickets that students will be able to bring home after adding a marble to their classes' marble jar.
The poster below is placed around our St Michael’s community to remind our students about who they can come to if they are ever feeling unsafe. All classes have read through and discussed the importance of this poster and feeling safe at school. Please familiarise yourself with this poster.