Religious Education

Mrs Rachael Lo Ricco

A Special Blessing

During the week Rev Deacon Malcolm came to each class to how they had chosen to decorate their prayer cloth and class cross. The students were so articulate in describing the meaning and process to Deacon Malcolm. He blessed the cloths and crosses with some Holy Water and said a special blessing for each class. 

Caritas Friday 

Our first Caritas Friday was an absolute success!! Thank you to everyone for taking part in our first fundraiser, we raised a total of $270.40! We saw so many funky hairstyles out in the yard and the money that was donated will make such a difference to many. 



Information for upcoming Caritas Friday events. Students bring a gold coin if participating. Flyers will be sent in the mail to the eldest child as a reminder!  

Friday 17th March 

Colours for our Earth 

(Wearing Blue and Green) 

Friday 24th March 

Culture Connection 

(children to wear/bring an item from their culture) 

Friday 31st March 

A safer world for all 

(Bring an item that makes you feel safe) 


As we begin to prepare our Year 3 Students for Reconciliation we keep these students in our prayers. Here are some upcoming days for this celebration. 

Reflection Day - Wednesday 22nd March

Celebration - Wednesday 29th March 5:30pm



As we are journeying through Lent the themes of prayer, fasting and almsgiving are a part of our learning and conversations here at school. Here are some Lenten Actions you can take as a family at home. 

PrepDecide on something you could all do perhaps as a family, to help other people during Lent. 
Year One/Two Ask your child to share the Our Father prayer with you. Perhaps you could agree on a daily good deed during Lent. 
Year Three/FourAsk your child to tell you what Lent is about and perhaps to teach you the Act of Contrition (sorry prayer).
Year Five/SixGive your child an opportunity to talk to you about how they are preparing for Easter. What could you do as a family to grow closer to God? Is there a time when you might like to pray together?