This Fortnight's News 

 Term 1, Week 8

Production 2023

*Production update!*


This week students in Grades 3 - 6 began auditions for our 2023 Production, The Wind in the Willows (Young@Part)! 

We had over 100 students sign up to audition and we have seen some incredible talent so far! 


Just some reminders to those students who have yet to audition:

- The audition schedules have been posted on Google Classroom and physical copies put up in the Grade 3/4 and 5/6 areas

- All the songs and scenes that you need to practice for your audition are on the 2023 Production website which has also been posted on Google Classroom and here below:


We can't wait to see what else the students have in store as we complete the audition process in Weeks 9 & 10!


Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs L-C and Mrs Stone



School Uniform

We would like to ask all students to wear their school uniforms respectfully. This includes Bomber Jackets. We kindly ask that casual hoodies, jumpers, black shorts, bike pants, or black tracksuit pants are not worn to school. If your child isn't in full school uniform please ask them to come to the office to collect a uniform pass.  

The Grade 6 students were excited to receive their Bomber Jackets on Monday of this week, they are all looking sharp and beaming with pride! 

We have a range of pre-loved good quality items in the second-hand uniform shop. Please see the attached list of required school uniforms. We also ask that collars are folded over neatly and not tucked in as noted with some students, we appreciate your effort in setting a standard for all students in our school uniform.

A4 Paper Donations

As some of you may be aware there is a paper shortage Australia-wide. We would like to ask our school community for donations of A4 paper reams. If you are in a position to donate paper to the school we would be most grateful. 

You can drop any donations off at the Office.

Thank you to those who have kindly dropped off paper.

School Photos

School photos will take place on Tuesday 28th March.  Order envelopes and instructions were sent home via Operoo earlier this week. Students are required to wear their summer uniform. Check shirt and navy shorts, check dress, and black school shoes/sneakers, navy socks.

We encourage families to order online at

The order code is QVL TK6 9L7


Lost property

This cute little Giraffe was found outside Prep D on Thursday last week. If it belongs to anyone please come and collect it from the office.



This ring was also found in the car park if anyone is missing it please collect it from the Office.

Fee Schedule 2023

Please find the fee schedule outlined below. If you would like to set up a payment plan for 2023 please contact the office or email:

Produce Stall

Buy yourself some delicious fresh produce grown in our very own St A's garden! 

Our sustainability crew will have a stall set up in the front of the hall before and after assembly next week. Cash only, please.


Second-Hand Uniform Shop 

The second-hand uniform shop will be open twice a week. 

Tuesday - 8.45-9.00am

Wednesdays - 3.15-3.30pm

Thank you kindly to Rebecca Moore for volunteering her time to help run it!

If these times are not suitable we are happy to put items aside at the office for collection at another time. Please email us at

Book Club Orders

Issue 2 orders are due by Friday 24th March.

Trading Cards

As previously mentioned, ALL trading cards, including Pokemon, Football, Basketball, Soccer, etc are banned from school. The exchange of trading cards is no longer permitted during school hours. We would appreciate your support with this decision moving forward.


Pedestrian Safety

Please be advised that the pedestrian gate that runs parallel to the driveway, is not to be used during the following times:

8.30am - 9.10am and 2.50pm - 3.30pm

This is to ensure the safety of pedestrians and to allow cars to drive safely through the car park area. Please use the pedestrian gate at the front of the school or the crossing.


Parking on the Oval

Parking on the Oval is not permitted

While we understand that the car park is busier on some days of the week than others, we cannot allow vehicles to be parked on the oval. The safety of our students and our crossing supervisors is our first priority. Once the wet weather is upon us the oval gets very soggy. Please allow sufficient time to park in the designated parking areas or on Golf Links Road.

Late Arrivals and Extended Absences 

All late arrivals must come via the office and sign in. We are happy to assist you and your children at the office. If in doubt, please drop by so we can make sure your child has arrived at school safely. This avoids us from sending you a clarification text. If you have a senior student please remind them they must come via the office to let us know they have arrived at school.

Extended absences for example holidays during term time need to be communicated with our principal, Mrs. Carrie Rodda. Please email her directly:

Food & Drinks on the Playground

Just a friendly reminder that no food or drinks are to be consumed on the playground by visitors, parents, or siblings of students. We have a number of students with severe anaphylaxis. Any foods containing milk and milk protein must not be consumed on the school grounds (including all takeaway coffee, drinks in keep cups, etc). We kindly ask for your co-operation, if you have any questions please contact the office. 

School Hats

As part of our SunSmart policy hats are to be worn in Term 1. Please ensure that your child has their hat at school.  If you need to purchase a new one they are available at the office.

Staying safe from mosquitoes

Recent wet and warm weather has increased mosquito breeding. Mosquitoes can carry diseases that may be passed on to people through mosquito bites. A range of mosquito-borne diseases have recently been detected in mosquitoes in northern Victoria.  Mosquito-borne diseases can cause serious illness, including infections of the brain, with children, particularly at risk.

The best way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites. 

In line with community health advice, families can protect against mosquito bites by:

  • using insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on all exposed skin if outdoors when mosquitoes are observed, from October to March
  • wearing long, loose-fitting clothing outdoors if possible if mosquitoes are around and covering exposed skin as much as possible. Summer school uniforms, including polos and shorts, can continue to be worn, but students should use insect repellent on exposed skin if mosquitoes are active
  • limiting outdoor activity when mosquitoes are active.

Further information:

 Art News

Congratulations to Miro on receiving the             "Botanical" Award at the Creative Arts Exhibition 2023. Miro was in Grade 6 last year at St A's and we are so proud of him!

A shout-out to students Eli and Hazel also, for their entries in the Creative Arts Exhibition. So much talent in our school community!


Grade 1 Art