School Spirit

Ride 2 School Day!

In the promotion of fun and bicycle road safety St. A's participated in the Ride 2 School Initiative this week! Thank you to all our Riders who braved some dubious weather! We loved seeing you all enjoying your riding!!


Well done to these two mums who rode and braved the storm on the way home in the morning but made it back for pick up!

     St Augustine's Instagram!                                 Find us: @st.augustine'sprimaryschool

We will be sharing daily happenings and updates, so do come and follow us!

Staff Profile

Harmony Day  

Thank you to all of our staff and students who wore a touch of orange in support of Harmony Day which celebrates and recognises cultural diversity.

 Easter Festivities!

On Wednesday 5th April we will be having a Easter Well-being fun day! The Easter Bonnet Parade will be held at 9am followed by fun Easter Activities in the middle and last block of the day. The Easter Raffle will also be drawn on this day - times to be advised via Operoo and social media closer to the date!


St A's Playgroup

We welcome all to attend our St. A's playgroup! Please feel free to join us on Friday Afternoons 2.15-3.15pm in our Multi purpose room for songs, dancing, story time, craft and free play whilst the parents mingle and get to know each other! If you invite someone who does not have a child attending St A's they are still most welcome - just ask them to come to the Office to sign in and a staff member will take them to Playgroup. 

On Friday 31st March we will have a 'break up' afternoon tea with Easter Craft for the children!

Kilometre Club

Kilometre Club is held every Friday on the Oval for all members of our community to enjoy and participate in! When Kilometre Club is not on due to clashing events or inclement weather the St A's community will be notified via social media - Facebook and Instagram posts.