General Information


Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrated their  birthday in Week's 3 and 4 of term:

Maddy Copeland and Austin Bailey



The students and staff have the pleasure of welcoming new and returning students in Term 3.

Will Grimmond has joined Stage 2 from the Public School, Strauss Dodds has joined Stage 1 from Tamworth and Brooke Graham returns to Stage 2 from Woolgoolga. Welcome to them all and we hope your time here at St Joseph's is enjoyable.



Our thoughts and prayers are with Isabella van Heerden and her family after the sad loss of her Grandfather in South Africa. 

A father’s guiding hand always sits on the shoulder of his children.



School fees for Term 3 have been posted to your Compass accounts this week. If you have trouble viewing them please contact the office. Fees will be due 18th August. If you are having trouble paying your fees please contact the office to make a time to meet with Mr McManus to discuss a payment plan. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, eftpos or by using your Bpay number on the statement as well as through Compass.


Issue 3 of Scholastic Book Club were sent home with the children in Week 1. If your child would like to place an order please have it returned with the correct money to the office by Thursday 3rd August. Thank you for your continued support.


Just a quick reminder that unfortunately the staff are not able to heat noodles for the students due to safety issues. If your child would like noodles for lunch please pre cook them at home and send them in a thermos.

Thank you for your understanding.


Just a reminder that supervision at school does not start until 8.40am. If your child needs to be at school earlier than this they will need to sit outside the staff room until supervision starts. Thank you for your consideration. 


The most up to date menu is attached to this newsletter. Please be advise that the previous menu had the incorrect price for milo $3 incorrect in last menu. Please only order items from this menu. If you would like to order online please do so at the Smeaton's website (on the menu below) by 10am on the day of the order. 

Lunch Service runs on Tuesdays and Fridays.