A Look at Learning

From the LOP

As teachers it is really important that we collaborate and learn from our colleagues everyday. As we encourage our children to be life long learners, so too do teachers open themselves to new ideas and new ways of doing things on a daily basis. As a member of our diocese we have the opportunity to grow and learn through collaboration with other teachers, support staff and leadership teams across the region. This forms an integral part in our own professional growth and development.


On Tuesday, Miss McShane and Mrs McCarthy travelled to St Joseph’s School in Uralla to observe learning and spend time with students and staff in their classrooms and school spaces. We spent time with students during their literacy block and learnt about their Organic Learning project that they have been working on for the past three years. Organic Learning encompasses a range of History, Geography, Health and Creative Arts learning areas into a whole school learning session. We had the opportunity to work with students in their Organic Learning time and learn from them how the project works and looks like in their school. The school proudly displays the products of past Organic Learning projects around the school in sculptures designed and created by the students. 


During Term 2, our Stage 2 and Stage 3 teachers had the opportunity to visit St Joseph’s in Tenterfield. Teams were able to observe and collaborate with staff and students in their literacy and numeracy learning block time. Reflection and rich discussion is always a byproduct of such visits and we always enjoy seeing how our other teaching teams are building life long learners across our diocese.