Performing Arts

Performing Arts Co-Curricular Program 

While Creative Music lessons continue to run, we are finding creative ways to be together during this period of remote learning.


Our Performing Arts Captain has put together Project Smile. Modelled on the swathe of encouraging videos being shared in our community, some of our staff will groove along to upbeat classic like James Brown's 'I feel good', finishing with a short message of encouragement. We hope the first one will be out in time for our next edition of this newsletter.


To keep our ensembles connected in this time when we can't rehearse, we are trialling running Google Meets in rehearsal times for girls to come and socialise over lunch or after school. So far Choir and Concert Band have caught up. In Choir we showed each other our pets and we might be learning a few ukelele chords in our next Meet.  Concert Band always have a party in their last rehearsal, and true to form they all bought their party food and caught up on all their news. How frequently the ensembles meet will be decided by each group, and more are meeting up in the next week or so.


Thanks to our Performing Arts student leaders for helping their ensemble members stay connected!

Mari Eleanor - Performing Arts Coordinator