Learning and Teaching

Jane Goddard

Assistant to the Principal - Learning and Teaching

Remote Learning Update

We are now into our fifth week of remote learning and there is a feeling that most staff and students have settled in more comfortably. We have reviewed all of the feedback that has been gathered through surveys and conversations. Whilst we aim to continue to deliver a rigorous learning program, we have implemented a range of strategies to address concerns around workload and screen time. Lessons may finish from the 60-minute mark, giving more time for a break from screens between periods. We have updated the sample student day (below) to reflect this. Monday 11 May, was built in as a day for students to focus on wellbeing, catch up, reflect and plan.


Teachers are delivering a balanced mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Synchronous learning takes place in real time with the teacher and a group of learners, for example, through a live “Google Meet”. Asynchronous learning is more learner-centred with tasks being set for students to work on in a more self-directed way, at their own pace, with teachers on-hand to provide guidance and feedback.  


VCE Update

The VCAA have implemented a number of structural responses to the COVID-19 situation. For Unit 3, the timeline for completion has been extended. This has enabled the teachers to spread out the remainder of the Unit 3 SACs, to reduce pressure on students. Depending on when we return, some of these may then be able to be completed on-campus. Unit 4 has been reduced in scope of content and assessment in each subject and there has been some adjustment to the relative weightings. This information is all available on the VCAA website. We are still awaiting details on the final exam dates, so I will notify students and families of any updates as they become available.


Update on Year 9, 10, 11 Examinations and End-of-Semester Assessments

Usually, at this time of year we turn our focus towards the Semester 1 Examinations. However, this year, with remote learning, we will not have the regular “exam block”.  Instead, we will extend Semester 1 for all year levels and end-of-semester tests will be scheduled in class time. These assessments will still provide an opportunity for students to develop study skills and to practise responding to exam-style questions under timed conditions. Teachers are currently putting together a Study Skills Portal Page on SEQTA.



Student's Reflection on Remote Learning

We are currently in our third week of remote online learning, and many students have settled into this routine well. Despite the challenges in the first couple of weeks, the support from staff and parents have allowed students to excel and stay motivated whilst studying from home.


Some of the support we have received has been adjustments to the way of learning: Implementing 60 minute lessons to accommodate for the constant screen time we have been experiencing, we have had many extra resources provided in order for us to receive the best possible support and counselling tips everyday .


With constant input from our student leaders and Marian Community, everyone is working together to make us all as comfortable as can be.


Like many students I have willingly taken on this challenge by demonstrating resilience and determination through my physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.


One thing that I know is that this is only short term, we will return back to the normality of school and we will all appreciate it even more when this happens. The challenge as a senior student during this time has particularly been the focus of everything we are missing out on in our final year at Marian College. Spending time with our friends, enjoying the extra curricula activities and the face to face teaching that we all know benefits our education. However if we stay organised, determined and focused during this time we can make up for the time lost at school and make the most of it when we return.


Never did we picture the year of 2020 being a global pandemic, however we are all in this together and as strong Brigidine women we will get through this and continue to thrive just like we do when we are at school.

Dahlia Cremona - Lamp Bearer 2020