Junior School Learning

Junior School Expo

Wednesday 18th September 2.30pm

Our Term 3 Expo will take a different form than other terms. In Term 3 the Junior School have been learning about The Arts. Students have developed an understanding that The Arts is more than painting or drawing and includes other forms such as dance, drama, music and performance. Each Junior School class has been working hard on creating a performance to perform at our Expo. We hope you can attend!

Grades 1 and 2

Students have been reading and learning about common features of fairy tales e.g. ‘Once upon a time…’, royalty, magic and talking animals. Students have been using this knowledge to write their own fairy tales. They have also been looking at fairy tales from different characters’ point of view e.g. that of Jack and the giant in ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.


In maths, students have been learning about multiplication and the different strategies to solve multiplication problems. Students have completed multiplication think boards, showing a multiplication fact as an array, a number sentence, a turnaround fact, groups of and repeated addition.


The last few weeks have seen our junior students practising their science experiment skills.  They have been conducting a range of experiments using water, including making a jar rain cloud and investigating dissolving with skittles.  They have also been working hard to reduce our weed problem in the kitchen garden and help to weed, feed and mulch our beautiful fruit trees.

Term 4 - Kitchen / Garden Volunteers

Grade 1/2 students will commence their second round of cooking and gardening as part of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.


Please see the attached letter requesting volunteer support of parents.