2020 Bring Your Own Device Program 

For Year 2 to Year 5 Parents

From next year we are extending our Bring Your Own Device Program to include Year 3 and Year 4 students. You will receive a detailed information pack shortly. This pack explains the terms and conditions, as well as the purpose of this program.


We are excited to offer this opportunity to all students that will be in Year 3-6 in 2020. We understand this could be a costly outlay for some families and are hoping to give you as much notice as we can. It is an optional program but we have seen its success over the past 3 years in Year 5/6 classes, with over 90% of students participating. We hope that by extending the program to commence in Year 3, the iPad device purchased (whether that be new or second hand) lasts the distance over those 4 years of schooling and that you see the benefit, both financial and academic, in having your child/ren a part of this program.


An information session will be held early in Term 4, to discuss with families more about the purpose of the program and your involvement in it. Staff will share their experiences with the 1:1 BYOD program and the ways we are using technology to support and engage learners in our classrooms.


Please be sure to read the information. You do not need to sign and return any of the consent forms at this stage. They are included for your information and perusal.


Thank you, Kate Wojcik and Grant Smith