Foundation Unit

Remembrance Day

It all began with a question about the red poppy. The Foundation students had eagerly been anticipating the Year 5’s visit to our classrooms, bringing with them a variety of red poppy merchandise. There were lots of excited comments on how great the badges were, how colourful they looked, and how much would they need to bring to school to purchase one! The discussion was primarily about the poppy merchandise, until one of the Foundation students put up their hand and asked “Why do we wear a red poppy on this day?" It was so impressive to hear the Year 5 students explain with such clarity and understanding, the significance of the poppies and how they related to such important events in our history.


Watching the students stand and listen to the Last Post, and think and then discuss the sacrifices made by others, both in the past and in present times, highlights just how special and necessary it is, that such moments are recognized and introduced to the younger members of our community.


The Foundation units joined with the whole school, in placing a commemorate poppy, kindly gifted by the Woodend RSL, on the wire fence at the front of the school.