Middle Unit 

Years 1 and 2

No news this week.

Year 3

Year 3’s have continued their investigations into the Sun, Moon and Earth in Science this week. We looked at the relationship between the 3, the sizes and how they rotate around the sun. We have been looking at world maps to see what parts of the world are in night time when we are in day time.


In Integrated Studies, we are making personal connections with places in Australia and in the World. MU7 and MU8 spent Monday afternoon making some Remembrance Day crafts. Here are some pictures of our masterpieces.

Good luck to our cricket team heading to Gisborne tomorrow, Friday, 15th of November. Thanks to Miss Radz and Mr Spilsted for coordinating this.


A reminder that students need to be wearing their hats outside at recess and lunch everyday. If your child’s hat has gone home to be washed, please make sure they come back asap.

Year 3 Teachers

Miss Geer, Mrs Meggs and Miss Radz, Mrs Lenders