Specialist Program

Career Education – Annemarie Holmyard
The Year 12 students have been working on their goals for post school and investigating options that suit their interests and abilities. They have also developed their Resume’s. Year 11 students have been working toward the VCAL Numeracy Learning Outcome 5 – Preparing for Work where they have been learning about tax, payslips and financial literacy related to work. In Term 1, a group of Year 12 students completed their Structured Workplace Learning at Bundoora Farm, fortnightly during their Career Education sessions. This was extremely successful with all students enjoying working and caring for the animals. Students also practiced and applied their employability skills in a workplace setting.
Science – Sam Hutson
Students in Lower Primary, Secondary 7/8, Secondary 9/10 and Secondary 11/12 have participated in a variety of experiments and hands on activities as part of the science program. Beginning with exploration and immersion in Lower Primary, students in PKS, PKW and PMM have participated in science activities as part of Thursday afternoon rotations. Each group has participated in a four week program, engaging in science activities that are visual and demonstrate cause and effect. These experiments have included; Bicarb Fizz, Orange Sink and Float, Lava Lamps, Blowing up a Balloon and Bubble Painting.
Finally, Secondary 11/12 students in the ‘Mythbusters’ Elective have participated in a project based program, investigating a variety of teacher and student chosen scientific myths. Contributing to their VCAL Personal Development Skills 1 outcomes, students have worked in teams to help plan, design and carry out simple experiments. Students enjoyed designing and building prototypes for solar ovens and hovercrafts that are capable of working both on land and water. We discovered you really can pull a tablecloth from underneath a fully set table if you practice enough. And even managed to confirm that it is possible to cook a steak in a car (a two minute steak counts right?), even if it does take an entire school day to work! A special mention to Mannon for volunteering her car in the name of science, and Jono D and Cooper S for filming, creating and editing two videos of our science learning journey.
Physical Education – Rachael McKeown and Hayley Northridge
This Term the P.E program has provided students to further develop their fundamental motor skills by working in pairs, individually and in teams. Throughout the term the students also worked on good sportsmanship and the skills required to be successful in team game situations. The students took part in basketball circuits and were able to transfer these skills into a basketball game. Each Term the students participated in a timed run working on improving their time and fitness.
Outdoor Education – Donna Thomas
This Term students in Secondary 11/12 have been learning how to kayak at La Trobe University using the swimming pool. Students have learnt a variety of skills including entry and exit of a kayak and how to paddle around in the water using an oar. We have had a lot of fun!
Performing Arts – Justin Hall
This term in music the elective groups in Year 9 through to Year 12 have been exploring song writing through both music production software (Ableton) and more traditional instrumental based writing. Students have created some amazing pieces while learning the mechanics of this new software and truly embracing their creativity.
Visual Arts – Vera Mitchell
Secondary 9/12 students participate in a double ceramics session for a Semester. The content covered included exploring a variety of techniques, associated with the medium of clay. The students were required to understand how clay works and the essential process to turn the material into ceramics. These students also used the potter's wheel and experienced the complexity involved when using it.
We look forward to new groups and topics for Semester 2 in all our programs. If any parents/carers have any questions or queries about the specialist programs, please feel free to contact the Acting Specialist Team Leader.
Jane Stacey
Acting Team Leader and Food Technology Teacher