Term Two


Dear Parents

We hope your Easter break was an enjoyable one. Last term seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. We have enjoyed getting to know your children and implementing the routines and expectations of Year Two.

Many exciting curriculum and extra curricular events have been planned for this term. We hope it will be another exciting and successful one.


Thank you

We continue to appreciate all those parents who have participated in our reading program. This program will continue this term and a sign up sheet is posted outside your child’s room.


The Year Two team consists of:

 Mrs Lee Aigner, Mrs. Dianne Fox,  Miss RoseMarie Drinan, then Miss Nakita Williams and Mr. Cal Young

Term 1 highlights

The students thoroughly enjoyed learning about our Inquiry topic: The Past in the Present - History

The children enjoyed learning about the past within their family and their environment. Everyone enjoyed our excursion to Rippon Lea Estate learning about the different jobs people did and the lives of the rich owners. 

​The traditional Easter Hat Parade proved to be a much loved hit. The array of creative and colourful hats worn by the children was just fantastic.




Reading: The children will continue to use a

variety of reading strategies to assist their independent reading this term. We will continue to expand on developing skills to assist in identifying inferential information (information not explicitly stated).


Writing: The focus this term will be Information Reports and Persuasive writing.



The children will focus on specific letter blends, related spelling rules and two letter phonic sounds.

Speaking and Listening: This term, the children will commence News Reports. Information on both the topics and dates of presentation will be sent home in Week 2.


Mathematics: The main topics in Mathematics this term will be exploring multiplication, grouping into equal sets, comparing and ordering objects by mass, capacity and volume, and investigating simple chance trials and possible outcomes.


Unit of Inquiry:                     

This term our Inquiry Unit is entitled: Waterworks. 

Water is essential to life. As humans, we not only drink water, we also use it for cooking,

hygiene, recreation and agriculture. Australia is a dry continent with an expanding population,

and how we use water has become increasingly important. Water is a precious resource.

The Water works unit is an ideal way to link science with literacy in the classroom. This unit

provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of, and appreciation for, a

precious natural resource. Through investigations, students explore how water is used, where

water comes from and how to use it responsibly.

Dates to remember

Term  2

 25th April


Public Holiday


 9th May 

Mother’s Day Stall


 6th May – 17th May

Swimming Program


21st and 22nd May

Book Fair

 28th May

Mad About Science Incursion


 10th June

Queen’s Birthday

Public Holiday


28th June

End of Term Two

2:30pm Dismissal


Casual Days

26th April

31st   May

28th June

(Gold Coin Donations)


Looking ahead

Term 3

School Concert 5th September & 6th September


 Term 4

 Life Education 7th October – 18th October

24th October (TBC)

Year Two Sleepover


21st  October – 23rd October

Book Fair