Secondary 7/8 Learning

Chat with SRC
Aaliyah and Olivia are both SRC students from SCO.
Why did you decide to join the SRC?
O – To try something new.
A – I want to make the school a better place for everyone.
Can you tell us some of the initiatives from the SRC this year?
O & A – We did an out of uniform day to raise money.
A – We have talked a lot about the building works that will start next year.
What happens at an SRC meeting?
O – Colin S runs the meeting. Karen J writes down what we talk about. This goes to School Council. We have to choose the 6 songs that play over the speaker at recess and lunchtime.
A – We meet at the Discovery Centre and we talk about our ideas to improve the school. Sometimes we have to make decisions about issues.
What are you going to raise at the next meeting?
O – I want to talk about lunchtime activity ideas.
A – I would like to talk about students taking care of the garden area.
What can students do if there is an issue they would like to raise or if they have an idea for the school?
O – They can come to any SRC person and they can tell us. We can then tell Colin and talk about it at a meeting.
A – Sometimes we have to talk to Colin straight away because it could be important. We are SRC advisors to the teachers and Colin.
Interview with a Year 8 Student
Name: Jake D
Class: SAS
What role do you have in the Secondary Spectacular Hairspray this year?
I am Linc who is the main character. I had to audition for the role.
If you could pick your favourite subject at school, what would it be and why?
I like maths. I like working out how to pay for things and how much to get back.
What is your favourite thing to do outside of school?
I like to play on my Xbox. I am about to start playing basketball with the Eltham Wildcats.
Who do you hang out with at recess and lunchtime?
Sometimes Jake WG and Noah. We talk to each other and walk around.
Favourite food?
Favourite sport?
Your footy team?
Anything else you would like to add?
I like to go on my scooter. I ride back home every day on my scooter.
During our number and algebra lessons we are practising using money to pay for goods and services. A fun activity has been “ordering” fish and chips from a take away menu and calculating change. Students are using front end rounding and estimating with whole number and money.
In our measurement sessions we are busy exploring a variety 2D and 3D shapes. We are learning how to draw some of these shapes, name their features and explain the effects of one-step transformations. Students are practicing use thing the correct terminology for describing 3D shapes e.g. face, corner, edges, base and apex. Students are also looking a patterns with 3D shapes, including tessellations and symmetry. When out and about with your child, ask if they can identify some any shapes or patterns that are out in the environment. For example, looking for symmetry in art work, recognising patterns in brickwork on buildings or the shape of a stop sign.
We have practiced writing up procedural texts on how to make fluffy slime, sushi, pancakes and two minute noodles. Students are doing very well at following the process of writing up the title, goal, equipment, instructions and conclusion. The instructions have been between 6 – 8 steps. Some students have ordered visuals to assist with their text and others have had the opportunity to write up their own fun procedural text.
A way to assist your child with making a connection to the procedural texts written at school and how they are used in the real world is to follow recipe and cook with your child. Getting their hands dirty whilst practicing their literacy is always fun and they have the chance to be creative in the process.
Integrated Studies
Secondary 7/8 students have become excellent energy explorers! They have been doing some fun hands on activities and experiments, such as the “commit and toss” game where their ideas about how heat is made is written on a piece of paper, scrunched up in to a ball and tossed to another student. After a few tosses, students read out the ideas and discuss the comments.
Another fun activity was cooking an egg. They learnt about how the heat is made and the states of change that happened with the water and egg. They also discussed the changes that happen when melting chocolate or dissolving sugar in water (and the difference of doing this in hot or cold water). The students also participated in the ‘Ice Race’ experiment where students had to work out the best way to melt the ice block.
Some classes have already started researching their Heating and Melting Expo product for next term. It looks like there will be some delicious and interesting products for sale!
Secondary Spectacular
Practice has been going extremely well over the last few weeks. Students have had their costumes fitted and make up tested. We are all looking forward to the dress rehearsals in the gym; practicing in our costumes, talking and singing with microphones, entering and exiting the stage, where to stand and getting used to the sound and lighting. It will also be exciting for all the students to see the dance routines from all the Secondary 7/8 classes and see what the main characters have to do in their performances.
Arthur's Creek Primary School
In Week 4, Jane took the main cast characters from the Secondary Spectacular last year (High School Musical) to Arthurs Creek Primary School to show the students the dance routines from their productions. They mentored and taught the students from prep – grade 6 over two hours. The Concord students were amazing. They were confident and made friends with many of the ACPS students. They have been invited back to see their performance of High School Musical at Whittlesea SC at the end of term.
Laurimar Sports Day
On Tuesday the 7th of August 10 Concord students attended the Laurimar Primary School athletics day (grades 4, 5 and 6). It was held at the Meadowglen Athletics track, with students, parents and many staff from the Laurimar Primary School in attendance.
On the day our students supported staff in running the various events from 'medicine ball throw' to 'hurdles'. All students should be extremely proud of the way they represented Concord School and supported the Laurimar Primary students to have a wonderful athletics day.
PreCAL Secondary 7/8
Over the last couple of weeks, SFC have become master chefs! In English sessions, the students have been learning about procedural text as recipes. They have read, discussed and reviewed texts ‘Making Salsa’ and ‘Making Pizza’. Finding the titles, what you need (materials section) and the steps to follow have been fun However, the shopping and cooking components have been the best. SFC made a delicious salsa following their sequenced procedures.
Students were able to incorporate money into their experience days as we travelled to Coles to purchase ingredients to make our own pizzas. Students created their own shopping lists of what they wanted on their pizzas. While in the supermarket, students were not only identifying sections of the supermarket such as dairy, bakery, fruit and vegetables, but looking at price tags and deciding which was the cheaper brand and best buy. Some students were able to use the self-serve check out and scan items, pay and collect a receipt, while others unloaded the basket onto the conveyer belt and communicated with the checkout staff, used cash payment and waited for change.
Jane Stacey
Acting Team Leader