School Sport

Division Cross Country

From Ben, PE Teacher

What wonderful results we had at the recent Division Cross Country event. Six of our students competed on the day and all ran magnificent races. It was great to hear of their efforts and achievements on the day and we are very thankful for the parent support in transporting the students to and from the event.  


We are very proud of Matthew 4D, Johnny 5B, Sophie 3D, Jaz 4F, Xavier 5D and Frieda 5A.


Congratulations to Matthew, Johnny, Jaz, Xavier and Frieda for progressing to the Regional event, to be held next week!! Good luck runners!!


 Report from Xavier C,  Student 5D

Division Cross Country was fun, we were all there together and tried our hardest. Not everyone made it to Regionals. 


Under 10 boys races were first and two people from our school were in the race (Johnny and Matthew) and they did really well! They both made it to the next round.Then it was the girls. We only had two runners from our school, Jaz ran an amazing race and placed. Sophie also ran a great race.


Then it was my race. It started with us lining up on the start line getting ready to launch.

When I heard the clap, I started off with a jog. The first half of my lap my breathing was not good, but towards the end of the first lap it got better and I was able to keep running. For the last lap, I tripped over and landed on my face and got back up and kept running. I came 6th so I was really happy with my result. Next was the under 11 girls. We had one runner in that, Frieda, and she made regionals too, so nearly everyone made it.



Report from Jaz D, Student 4F

Before the race I was so nervous, more nervous than I have ever been in my whole life, my stomach was hurting. We were called to marshal and they put us in order from our bib numbers and we went off to the start line. 


On your marks, get set and off we went! I was coming 4th for the first half of the first lap. Then I sped up and was coming 3rd. At the start of the second lap, I was in 2nd place. I really wanted to get to first place. I got there - but then I went the wrong way! The girl coming second followed me too. A marshal screamed out and told us. I knew I had to run that whole 200 metres again or I would get disqualified. Now I was in 3rd place and there was only 300 metres left! I was really nervous. I wanted to come first so much. I pushed myself as I ran up the last hill, crossing the line in first place!


I’m looking forward to Regionals on the 19th June and hoping to make it to States in July.


By Sophie L, Student 3D

When we first got there I was very excited about it, but at the same time a little bit nervous. Then they called us up. It was boys, then there was us. 


BOOM! It finally happened. 


1 lap was off and started, I was 6th place. Lots of people were overtaking me. Lap 2 I was 18th. At 1 corner, I was still 18th. It was so hard and competitive for me. I was definitely the youngest one there. At half way, I was in 19th. At the end, someone nearly could of just passed me, but I didn’t let it happen. It finally came to an end.



Matthew was so good. 


If you did or didn’t make it, you tried your hardest.