Holy Cross happenings 

Kaboom Mini Olympics: A Day of Color, Music, and Festive Spirit! 


This Thursday, June 22nd, our school was filled with an explosion of colour, music, and an incredible festive atmosphere as we celebrated our Mini Olympics event to finish off Term Two. With the children brimming with excitement, the day turned into a joyous celebration of sports and teamwork.


To capture the spirit of the games, the children were divided into 16 groups, each proudly representing a different country in the Olympics. Throughout the day, the children engaged in different sporting games and activities, carefully designed to emphasise teamwork and encouragement.  The event was not just about competition; it was also a unique opportunity for children to strengthen relationships and have fun while being physically active. 


We would like to extend our gratitude to Kaboom Kid Sports for hosting this unforgettable event. Their expertise and energy made for a fantastic day of sporting fun.


🌿Kinder Visits: Fun-filled Outdoor Education Activities! 🌱

Our school had a delightful couple of days at the beginning of the week as children from nearby kindergartens joined us for a morning of exciting and educational outdoor experiences. The air filled with chatter and questions as our young visitors engaged in a range of captivating activities.


The children eagerly participated in planting and watering seeds, discovering the magic of nurturing life. They delighted in creating artwork using natural materials, such as leaf rubbings, allowing them to connect with the textures and patterns found in nature. As an extra treat, our visitors had the joy of meeting our Holy Cross chickens and sheep, learning about their care and the roles they play in our school community. Our Year Six leaders were proud to show  our new friends around their school, they also helped them with activities and read stories with them. 


We would like to say a big thank you to our Kinder visitors and their dedicated teachers for making this memorable day possible. 

Building Maths Skills At Home: Play Ladders

Ladders is an engaging game that helps develop place value skills. It is a quick, fun, and easy-to-play game that requires minimal equipment. All you need are some dice and a piece of paper. You can play individually or in pairs, taking turns to fill the ladder. In the two-player version, the person who fills the last rung on the ladder is the winner. The game can be adjusted to suit all age groups by simply increasing or decreasing the size of the numbers used.

Children Make a Sustainable Impact through Tree Planting Excursion

Our Year 6 and Year 4 children embarked on an inspiring tree planting excursion to the Gisborne Botanic Gardens this week, where they took hands-on action to contribute to their community and deepen their understanding of sustainability. Organised by the Friends of the Gisborne Botanic Gardens group, the children planted native grasses while participating in an Acknowledgement of Country and engaging in Indigenous storytelling. This excursion marked the culmination of their term-long exploration of sustainability, allowing them to actively make a positive impact.


Thank you to the Friends of the Gisborne Botanic Gardens group for their exceptional efforts in organising and facilitating this memorable excursion. Through their commitment and expertise, they provided our children with a transformative experience that allowed them to actively contribute to the preservation and enhancement of our natural surroundings.

Regions Cross Country

Congratulations to the exceptional group of young runners from our school who participated in the Regions Cross Country event held at Brimbank Park on June 19th. Eoin, Taylan, Xavier, Isabella, Adrian, Jameson, and Jack displayed determination as they ran with passion and skill, overcoming the wintery weather. Their outstanding performances have earned several of our runners a spot in the upcoming State Cross Country, making us immensely proud of their achievements. Congratulations to all our runners for their hard work and dedication; they have every reason to celebrate their success.

🏀⚽🏈 Holy Cross Athletes Excel in Team Vic Tryouts! 🌟

We are thrilled to share the remarkable achievements of our Holy Cross children who recently participated in the highly competitive Team Vic tryouts across basketball, soccer, and football. These determined athletes rose to the challenge during the rigorous tryout process.


Through numerous stages of evaluation, our Holy Cross children showcased their skills and resilience. Congratulations to all the children who participated in these tryouts, demonstrating exceptional committment.


A special commendation goes to one of our Holy Cross members who secured a coveted spot on Team Vic in football. We are immensely proud of Xavier's achievement and wish him continued success as he embarks on this exciting journey representing Victoria.



We had 5 children try out for various Victorian Teams.

Lucas M - Soccer

Macy B - Basketball

Taylan T - Football

Aiden R - Football

Xavier W - Football

Lucas and Aiden both enjoyed taking part in round one of their chosen sports.  Taylan made it through to round 2 of the Football, Macy made it all the way to the final round of selection and Xavier has been chosen to represent Victoria on the Team Vic Football team.  We are very proud of each of these students for putting themselves forward and trying something new.  The feedback I have received is that although the process was tough, everyone enjoyed it and the students have learnt more about their favourite sports and indeed themselves from taking part in the process.   

We will be cheering Xavier on when Team Vic takes on the other states in the coming weeks.

⚽🌟 Soccer Clinic: Fostering Skill Development and Participation! 🥅


Throughout Term 2, our Year 3-6 children have been engaged in the enriching Soccer Clinic, presented in collaboration with Football Australia. The clinic is designed to develop soccer skills and encourage participation across all skill levels. The program has been a highlight in Physical Education this term.


Little Groovin' Guitars

Last Tuesday evening was Little Groovin’ Guitars’ end of term recital for their Holy Cross guitar students. The students performed pieces they had been working on throughout the term for their friends and family. There was an eclectic mix of tunes performed, including music from Beethoven, Metallica and Imagine Dragons. Well done to Austin Wilkes, Michael Buskes, Thomas Fairmaid and Cooper Patocs (pictured) who performed and even wrapped up the evening with an impromptu jam! Evie Lockens, James Dwyer and Jackson Jones have also been working hard on their guitar playing this term and we look forward to seeing them perform later in the year.


If you would like to enrol your child in guitar lessons for next term, you can email Julia: julia@littlegroovinguitars.com.au "

For the Love of Writing

This week, some of our Year 3 authors decided to write a series of short information texts about various creatures they have found in our local environment. The writing pieces were a passion project for the children as they wanted to educate readers on a few of our smaller native animals.



A frog is a member of a diverse and largely carnivorous group of short-bodied, tailless amphibians. 

Scientific name: Anura

Higher classification: salientia

Order: Anura; Duméril, 1806 (as Anoures)

Lifespan: 10 – 12 years

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata


There are over 5,000 species of known frogs, and scientists continue to discover new species.




Skinks are reptiles, we should look after them by not touching them because their tails can fall  off.


Skinks live all around Australia and that includes our school. They create nests in moist soil and the female lays about five eggs each year.


Skinks are lizards belonging to the family Scincidae. With more than 1,500 described species, the family Scincidae is one of the most diverse families of lizards. 


  This is a skink in its home also known as a Habitat.



A beetle is a insect and can be found in a dry place, under a rock. Beetles can lay 50 little white eggs and they eat leaves and fruit. 

This is a picture of a beetle in it's habitat. 

This is what beetles eat.

This is what beetles eggs look like.


By Sienna, Skye, Mia and Lucy