Kellie and Kate's Message

Dear Holy Cross families,


We have reached the end of Term Two and are about to begin a much-anticipated two-week break. As we start the winter holidays we are delighted to share with you some of the events that have taken place at our school recently, along with information about important upcoming events. A reminder that school finishes at the earlier time of 2.30pm today.

Professional Development

Last Tuesday, our dedicated staff participated in a full-day Professional Development session focused on the areas of Inquiry and Discovery. Led by expert consultants, this cutting-edge pedagogy training has equipped our teachers with the latest research-backed strategies to engage our children in meaningful and immersive learning experiences. Motivated and inspired, our staff are eager to implement these best practices in our classrooms, ensuring that our children continue to receive high-quality learning experiences across various disciplines, including the sciences, humanities, and general capabilities.

End of Term Celebrations

After a very busy term of activities, sporting events, excursions, incursions, music, camp and learning, it was wonderful to finish off the term watching the children working together and having fun!

We could not have been more proud of our children as they encouraged each other during our mini Olympics  yesterday. It has easily been the coldest week of the year so far, therefore a warm up was essential. Thankfully, we had some staff members ‘volunteer’ to show off their dance skills to help the children warm up, (see our video in Holy Cross Happenings!) 

Our Year 6 children led their ‘country’ in the opening ceremony as they ran a lap of the basketball courts and when the Olympic flame finished its journey, the children completed 16 fun sporting games and activities. The organisers of the event complimented the children and staff on their enthusiasm and participation. It was a lovely opportunity for the children to work together in their vertical House groups with their friends and siblings. 

Parent Teacher Chats

In order to foster positive learning experiences for our children, we are pleased to announce that Parent Teacher Chats will be held in Term 3. These meetings provide an invaluable opportunity for parents to meet with their child's classroom teacher, allowing for open discussions about their progress and sharing of achievements. The Parent Teacher Chats have been scheduled for Monday, July 17th, and Tuesday, July 18th, from 2:15 pm until 4:45 pm. Booking instructions went out to families on Tuesday via Operoo or click on this link to book a time:

August Census 4/8/2023

Please be aware that the 2023 Non-Government Schools Census collection notice is available for viewing. If you would like to review the information, please click the link.


As you are aware, Aoife is currently on Long Service Leave, enjoying a wonderful time reconnecting with family and friends in Ireland. We know she has been enjoying many moments filled with sunshine, warmth, and cherished memories.


We have enjoyed the opportunity of seeing how busy Aoife’s office is whilst she is away. There is a constant flow of visitors and we have really enjoyed the privilege of having children visit, wanting to share the excitement of their new learning. We have listened with interest to our Year 5 aviators as they explained the modification processes they went through to improve their model planes. We also received some complicated origami, read some amazing creative writing and there are always challenging Maths problems that amaze us! 


We would like to wish you all a safe, peaceful, and restful break. Take this time to enjoy precious moments with your loved ones. 


Warm regards,

Kate and Kellie

Deputy Principals