
A Very Busy Term For The Careers Department

Year 10 Subject Selection

On Monday some content will be added to the Year 10 Google Classroom. I have purposefully waited to upload this content, as I wanted students to participate in the Subject Seminars with an open mind.

If any parents would like to meet with me I am more than happy to organise Zooms after hours. If you would like to organise a Zoom please email  with this request.

Apprenticeships & Traineeships

Any student who is looking for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship, either now or later in the year, must complete this form HERE.


I have several employers who are either looking for someone now or towards the end of the year. All employers are happy to have students for Work Experience to make sure it is a good fit for both the student and the employer.


Additionally, if parents have businesses who are looking for Apprentices or Trainees please complete this form HERE.

Work Experience

Any students who would like to participate in some Work Experience, need to complete the following two online courses before making an appointment to see me.


You are required to complete an online course on the MyWorkExperience website which will take you approximately 15-30 minutes. You need to download the Certificate (you will need to print it later). No matter how many placements you do, you only need to do this once.

  • You are required to complete an onlineInfection Prevention and Control course which will take you approximately 10-15 minutes. You need to download the Certificate (you will need to print it later). No matter how many placements you do, you only need to do this once.

Careers Related Events

There are many opportunities for students that are advertised through their Classroom. Please ensure that your son/daughter is regularly checking their Classroom to ensure they are not missing out on any opportunities.

My Work Experience Course Instructions

Download the alternative PDF file below:

Breaking News

I have just received confirmation that the 2024 Country to Coast Scholarship will be available to Early Admission offer holders from Kildare Catholic College!


So, to be eligible, students will need to: 

  1. Submit their Early Admission application by 5.00 pm on Friday 11 August 
  2. Receive an offer to study at UOW. 3. Accept the offer.  That’s it. No additional applications, information or interviews are required. 

The best thing is that the first $2500 will be paid to the eligible students in January to help with moving and accommodation costs (like ‘two-weeks-in-advance’ rent, or bond, etc). The remaining $2500 will be paid in two subsequent installments after they’ve enrolled and started their course.   Students must have applied for Early Admission to receive this scholarship, and it’s stackable, which means that students eligible for a Country to Coast Scholarship may also be eligible for a UOW equity scholarship or the Australian Government’s Tertiary Access Payment.





Karen Murray | Careers Adviser

Kildare Catholic College 

02 6932 6124 (Direct Line)

0428 861732


To book an appointment, click here