Principal's Report

Dear families,

Welcome to Term 3, hopefully you had a chance to have a bit of a break and enjoy time with your children. Most of my time was spent in Melbourne with family, as our eldest grandchild had an operation. Thankfully her recovery is progressing well.

Our new staff members have transitioned very smoothly into the school bringing with them a range of diverse skills which will complement our programs and processes at Toolamba. We have also welcomed Fiona Crosier who has joined us as an Education Support person for the term. 

Just a reminder that Bree is away for another week. She will return on Monday 24th. 

Due to technical difficulties we are unable to put names with Photos this week. 

We apologise for this.



Friday 21st July is a Curriculum Day. There will be no school for students on this day.



Due to a clash of meeting dates, School Council will now be a week later on 7th August at 6.30pm



Our 3/4 students are participating in a science experience 'Make it Move". Teachers are asking if students could please bring along any of the following materials.

Toothpicks, straws, milk bottle lids, sticky tape, cardboard boxes or tubes.



On Tuesday, students participated in a dance session run by Stomp Dance Company. They were engaged, excited, and loved the chance to move to music. Dancing can be a fantastic form of expression, physical activity, and is a creative outlet. It's not only enjoyable but also offers numerous benefits for individuals, such as improving coordination, fostering creativity, boosting self-confidence, and promoting teamwork. The students were fortunate to have such an enriching and enjoyable experience with the Stomp Dance Company.


Have a lovely weekend,

Regards Heather