Principal's Report

Simone Wood, Principal

Hi Everyone,


I hope all our families enjoyed a lovely long weekend. 


On the curriculum day following, we continued the very important work being done on SWPBS. For those of you who were able to attend Assembly last week, Newham Primary School was formally recognised for our efforts in SWPBS with a visit from Stephen Brain our Regional SEIL and Kerry Hammond, our SWPBS coach. They presented our school leaders with the 'official' Blue certificate of SWPBS achievement. 


Our School Review process has concluded.  The Review consisted of 3 days for field work (information gathering), data collation and analysis and direction identification. Thank you to our school councillors and parents who came along to the parent session on the fieldwork day. The reviewer now has all the information he requires to develop the report that will set the direction of the school for the next four years. Once the Department of Education has received the documentation, our school will be informed, and the direction shared with school council and families. This is expected to take place around the middle of Term 3.


This week we have also had Lynn the Community representative from Bunnings come to deliver a pond, bird baths and a gift voucher. We are grateful for the ongoing support from Bunnings and they are keen to come out and be an extra set of hands on the installation day, should we need it. Please also see the Sustainability section of this newsletter.


The French Day was a huge hit. Drumming pun intended! The French donuts were delicious! Students were also involved in making a butterfly artwork. Please also see the School events section of this newsletter.


You may have noticed the newsletter going up and down in size as we trialled different sections of information. We have settled now on a School leaders, Wellbeing and School contacts page as extras. The School Tours page will make a come back at specific times of the year that align with our enrolment period. Other pages have had their use expanded and have been retitled or subtitled accordingly.


Please take the time to read the newsletter as along with the messaging via uEducateUs it remains a major source of information for families.


Don't forget that next Wednesday and Thursday are set aside for students and families to visit with their Teachers to discuss how students have travelled the first half of the year and what can be expected for the second semester. If you are yet to book in an interview time please refer to the uEducateUs message sent home.


Next week there will be a short newsletter, mostly to provide any update on events/dates for your calendar in Term 3.