Curriculum Info Night

You're Invited!
Curriculum Information Night
Tue 18 July 2023
6:15pm - 8:45pm
Parents are invited to attend our Curriculum Information Night next term in week 2. This evening is an important part of the subject selection and course counselling process for 2024 courses. Our goal is to ensure parents and students can access information, advice, and support to make informed and appropriate choices about subjects for the following year.
There are two important components to the information evening and families may attend the marketplace and presentation in the order that is most suitable for them.
1.The Curriculum Marketplace where parents and students can meet with teachers from each Learning Area to ask questions and seek advice about individual subjects. Our Careers team will also be available for information and advice regarding TAFE and university options, as well as information regarding entering the workforce.
2. A Formal Presentation which will provide students at each year level with specific information related to course requirements, the subject selection process and how to access support for students and parents. As VCE and VCE-VM are two-year courses, there will be one presentation for students entering Year 11 and 12.
To further support the course selection process:
-- Students will be given a Discover Your Wings Curriculum Handbook 2024 in our curriculum assemblies. Please bring your Curriculum Handbook 2024 along to the Information Night. An electronic version of the Curriculum Handbook will be available on Compass in School Documentation – For Students – Curriculum Handbook 2024.
-- Students in Years 8-11 are working on pathways and course selection activities and presentations at school to assist them with their course selection. Please discuss these activities with your student.
-- All students can access advice from subject teachers and learning area specialists during designated lunchtimes in Week 3.
-- Current Year 10 students will be participating in an individual course counselling session (with their parent/guardian) to assist them to navigate the transition into VCE.
-- Students in Year 10 are participating in a Career Expo Excursion to local universities and/or TAFEs in Week 2.
-- Information will continue to be provided to students and in our Newsletter about University and TAFE Open Days that can be accessed by students and families to provide further information.
A letter outlining the schedule and location of activities will be sent to families at the start of Term 3.
Natalie Manser
Assistant Principal