Learning & Teaching

I thank staff for their hard work and dedication through Semester One and their commitment to providing quality educational experiences for our students. I am looking forward to some of the important and exciting events in Learning and Teaching coming up next term.
Please note: Semester One Reports will now be published on Compass and Maestro on Friday 14 July. Further information below.
The 2024 Subject Selection Process
The 2024 Curriculum Handbook will be available early next term to students and parents. The handbook provides very clear information about the huge range of subjects and pathway offerings that students can select from in Year 9-12. Our Year 9/10 Curriculum program provides students with different subject choices and allows students to individualise their learning pathway.
The Curriculum Information Evening on Tuesday 18 July (6:15pm to 8:45pm) is a great opportunity for students and families to learn more about the depth and breadth of the Curriculum choice at the College. Families can attend presentations, tour the learning spaces and subject displays, and learn more about the subjects on offer from our Curriculum experts and teachers/leaders.
Curriculum Days - Mon 10 July & Thu 24 Aug
We will have two Student Free, Curriculum Days in Term 3. These days will focus on quality professional development for staff on effective strategies to teach vocabulary and writing within different disciplines.
Academic Excellence Awards
Celebrating student learning growth, our Semester One Academic Excellence Awards will be held on Tuesday 25 July 5:30pm to 6:30pm in the Theatre.
Respectful Relationships Term 3 Highlights
1 - Year 8 Resilience Day: On Wednesday 6 Sept we will hold a full day, interactive and empowering program for Girls and Boys (and transgender and non-binary students). The aim of the program is to explore personal identity, emotional awareness and resilience, so that students can take control of their own lives, and to realise their full potential.
2 - Consent Education: Early next term, we will hold age-appropriate sessions for Years 7-10 about Consent, delivered by our mental health practitioner and school leaders.
Upcoming Whole School Awareness and Celebration Events
- Wear It Purple Day - Friday 25 August
- R U OK Day - Thurs 14 Sept
- Polished Man Campaign (date pending)
Semester Reports Update
Reports will be released first week of Term 3 on Maestro and Compass.
The new and improved semester reports will be released in the first week of Term 3 and will look a little different this year.
- Maestro: Year 7-10 Reports - two parts
- Compass: Yr 7-12 Learning Behaviour Reports and VCE Results - parents can download the learning behaviours reports from Compass.
Maestro - Victorian Curriculum Reports will be accessible on Maestro. The Maestro report will give accurate information about a student’s Victorian Curriculum level of achievement and their achievement relative to their peers. Parents will need to log into their Maestro Accounts to access these reports. Please see the attached guide to assist you.
VCE Reports - On Compass
The VCE semester reports will include the learning behaviours reports and subject reports as normal.
This year, the subject reports will include the S (satisfactory) and N (unsatisfactory) result for each unit and the achievement Letter Grades (from A+ to E) for each or the major SAC and SAT assessment tasks.
The reintroduction of letter grades at the end of the unit is in keeping with our practice of our students focusing on (and acting on) quality feedback during the unit to improve their learning, and grades are important at the end of the learning sequence to reflect achievement.
More information about these grades will accompany the reports.
Maestro Guide
If you are interested to know more about Maestro and Developmental Rubrics and how to log into Maestro and how to interpret the information, I have attached a guide for parents. Please reach out if you want more information or training.
A safe and restful break to you all and see you all next term.
Natalie Manser
Assistant Principal