Parent Wellbeing
Parent Wellbeing
It’s natural for pre-teen and teenage siblings to fight over all sorts of things. Teenage siblings
argue just as much as younger children, but they tend to fight about different things. They might also use different and more grown-up language.
Sibling fighting also has a useful purpose.
When children interact with parents, they learn about authority. But interactions with their siblings help them learn about, and practice, skills for relating to peers. If sibling fighting is handled the right way, these skills include:
How to Resolve Sibling Fights
Here are some suggestions for handling fights among pre-teen and teenage siblings:
Encourage siblings to resolve fights themselves. Resolving arguments by themselves teaches children essential life skills, so avoid always stepping in to solve problems for them – although this might be faster and less stressful. Try asking your children to listen to each other’s perspective. Then encourage them to find a compromise, possibly using steps for problem-solving. You can also motivate your children to resolve fights themselves. For example, if they’re fighting over the games console, take away their access to it until they can work out a solution together.
Help with problem-solving. If your children need some help, you can model problem-solving for them by helping them work out what they’re arguing about, asking them what they each want, and prompting them to come up with solutions together. Writing things down can be a good idea, because it helps them get all their ideas on paper.
Focus on what the fight is about. If they’re fighting, both children are responsible, so it’s best to focus on what the fight is about rather than on who started it. If you take sides, one child might feel unfairly treated and feel you’re showing favouritism. It’s better to get both children to state their problems, and then brainstorm possible solutions.
Help siblings calm down. Fights among siblings can bring up strong emotions. As your children work on resolving arguments and conflict, it’s good – although not always easy – for them to stay calm. They might need time or help to calm down.
Keeping track of how fights get resolved. This will help you make sure one child isn’t dominating the other. Make sure that compromise does happen, and that they’re each getting something. If they can’t compromise, create a consequence for both of them.
How to reduce sibling fighting in the future. You might be able to reduce or avoid fights between teenage siblings with a little bit of groundwork.
Treating Children Equally
Try to be even handed. This might include scheduling equal access to the games console, or ensuring each child has a turn at getting what they want. Teenagers are very quick to pick up on different treatment.
Try not to compare siblings. Instead try to focus on each child’s strengths. It’s tempting to say things like ‘Why can’t you be more like your brother?’ or ‘Your sister never did that’. But these messages can lead to bad feelings between siblings.
Show affection to all your children. Try to spend quality time regularly with each of them. Children are never too old for some individual quality time.
Try not to label your children. For example, talking about one child as the ‘difficult’ child can cause conflict or lead to challenging behavior from that child.
Avoid getting into debates about what’s fair and equal. Explain to your children that their age difference might mean a difference in what they’re allowed to do and what responsibilities they have. Try to make sure that they get similar treatment at similar ages.
Building Positive Family Relationships
Give children personal space. This could be a room that other children can enter only when invited, belongings that they don’t have to share, or time with friends without needing to include their siblings.
Encourage joint interests or family activities like exercising, going shopping or watching movies together. You could even set the children a goal to work on together – for example, cooking a special meal for the family.
Keep the lines of communication open. Make sure your children know they can talk with you about any problem, and that you’ll try to help them find a solution.
Establish clear family rules. For instance, physical aggression is never OK. You might also want to make clear what kind of language is OK.
Communicating Positively
Give your children a chance to voice their concerns in an appropriate way. You could have family meetings to talk about problems and suggest solutions.
You can also be a positive role model when it comes to handling fights. Children of all ages can learn how to negotiate and deal with differences by watching and listening to their parents.
When and Where to get Support for Sibling Fighting
It’s important to seek help if there’s sibling conflict that:
The best place to start is by talking to your GP, who can give you advice. If necessary, the GP can also refer you to a psychologist who specializes in children’s or teenagers’ behaviour issues. It’s best to involve both children, because taking only one child for help with sibling fighting might make that child feel solely responsible.
More Facts about Sibling Fighting
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YouthConneXions (Box Hill): @youthconnexions
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The Wellbeing Team have compiled a range of resources and support services for students and families to access via Compass under Community (the two people) – School Documentation – For Students/For Parents – Wellbeing Resources.
Parentline: 13 22 89
If you would like further ongoing support, it is recommended that you make an appointment with your family General Practitioner (G.P.) where you can discuss the concerns that you may behaving. The G.P. will then be able to make the appropriate referral for ongoing support as required.
Student Wellbeing Team
Guiseppe Relia – Wellbeing Coordinator
Talea-Jane Simpson – School Counsellor
Lea Marrison - Mental Health Practitioner
Tajinder Wulff - Mental Health Practitioner