Year 7

Last week saw our Year 7 Science classes make the trip to KIOSC for the first time.


The focus of the unit was Mission to Mars.  Students investigated the Martian environment and what is required to live there.  The three sessions focussed on:


Colonisation:  What is required in terms of building materials to withstand the extreme cold, whilst taking into account the cost of transporting materials to Mars.

Everyday life of an astronaut: Using VR, students completed various missions to repair the various rovers on Mars.  Working in teams, they needed to navigate the complexity of completing tasks using a space suit.

Drone flight: Ingenuity was the first helicopter drone flown on Mars by NASA scientists.  The students replicated the challenge by programming drone flight in the controlled environment of the laboratory, having to avoid various obstacles.

Peter Kos

Leader of Science & KIOSC